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Search results for query: 174767

  1. C

    Reviewed Attempting to bribe | 86446

    ...to me attempting to bribe and aswell while checking his forum account i saw that he have multiple ids + multiple forum accounts That means he is multi accounting requesting senior to review this forum this is conversation link : https://gta5grand.com/forum/conversations/92703/#convMessage-174767
  2. Liam Jones

    Approved Doxxing | Multiple ID

    Approved ID 174767 will receive a punishment for Doxing ID 204221 will receive a punishment for Doxing ID 288339 will receive a punishment for Doxing
  3. Shorty Tusy

    Rejected GR 3.1 + CL | 91235

    this friend is robbed and then he sees me and says SUCK MY D.... and then he throws COMBAT LOG (I got banned from this forum for saying SUCK MY D... Approved - GR 3.1 I 174767)
  4. Jonny Odds

    Reviewed POV REQ | 0000

    Reviewed You only show your kill on Uras_Jackson, 113196 at 11:40:38 not the kill on Shorty_Warrior, 174767 at 11:40:47 Since kill is not shown, POV was not given as requested Player 158643 will receive a punishment for ER1.7 If you find your POV you can appeal in Admin Complaints with the...
  5. Arda Tateman

    Approved General ghetto rules 1.3 & 1.4 174767

    Approved ID 174767 will receive a punishment for Mass Ghetto Rule 1.4
  6. Saber El Chapo

    Approved General ghetto rules 1.3 & 1.4 174767

    Everything in bov
  7. M

    Rejected Bug abuse + Fail Rp+ Fl in Rp I 111416,153086,290972,323923,174767

    Mass rule break by Families watch at 0:32 id 174767 searched me without doing rp and at 1:10 he was using his radio while robbing me(bug abuse) and also after complying to their demands he punched me in the end
  8. Engmostafa Livii

    Rejected RDM | 174767

    i was moving and got he shoot on me
  9. Anderson Fade

    Approved GR 3.1 I 174767

    Approved ID 174767 will receive a punishment for Sexual harassment ID 329776 will receive a punishment for GR3.1 , Mixing , FL in GZ
  10. Nomad Vera

    Approved GR 3.1 I 174767

    all in pov, the guys says suck my d**** twice once to me, once to the random dude at the gas station
  11. Arda Tateman

    Approved Vdm | 94438 & 174767

    Approved ID 94438 will receive a punishment for CR ID 174767 will receive a punishment for CR
  12. Ayden Jack

    Approved Vdm | 94438 & 174767

    These kids thought they were so cool vdming me so i pulled out the yagiz special on them and will get them locked up
  13. BohemiaDhillon

    Rejected Cheats | 174767

    he killed in cover as you can see .
  14. Hashir Knight

    Rejected Favoritism | Beni Valentine

    bro its en2 not en1
  15. Ece Durden

    Rejected Favoritism | Beni Valentine

    ...is Ece, i recently punished by Beni valentine because of toxicity in club chat but nothing that i say was toxic. I was replying Shorty Tusy id 174767 who was insulting individuals high id in club chat and i was simply pointing out the fact that he had a similiar id that he was insulting...
  16. Elson Dominguez

    Approved CL& VDM | 174767 316754

    Approved ID 316754 will receive a punishment for VDM POV from ID 174767 will not be punished for GR 6.2 as POV shows his connection was lost
  17. D

    Approved CL& VDM | 174767 316754

    ID174767 CL while getting robbed and ID316754(his friend) kept hitting us with his car
  18. Swiss

    Reviewed CL | 174767

    All in POV
  19. A

    Reviewed Bug Abuse CL | 174767

    All in POV
  20. Jonny Odds

    Reviewed POV REQUEST | 0000

    Reviewed Player 174767 will receive a punishment for ER1.7 All participants of all events under all spheres must record POV and hold it within 48 hours You cannot just have parts or show other peoples POVs
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