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Search results

  1. D

    Approved Fail Rp 157611

    Searches me without telling me
  2. D

    Rejected Bug abuse 149200

    bugged and cancelled animation while reviving
  3. D

    Rejected 1.6 92230 182618

    shot at them and they went in to HQ right away
  4. D

    Reviewed Pov req 0000

    not rlly its the same lol
  5. D

    Reviewed Pov req 0000

    bro what advantage lmao? the range is still the same
  6. D

    Reviewed Pov req 0000

    i wanna see how i died
  7. D

    Rejected I Got Banned For No Reason

    you got blocked for dancing on body
  8. D

    Rejected POV request 206188

    I want to request body cam of this officers arrest, i feel like it was 25 mins from when he arrested, he also got shot and ran in gz and he also vdm 3 people on the way to dlc. Arrest was from 2:40-3:09 on 22.12.2022 in game. And according to 5.6 im allowed to request POV
  9. D

    Rejected For Mazhor

    What rule does it say you cant make another forum account if you get banned?
  10. D

    Rejected POV request 206188

    I want to request body cam of this officers arrest, i feel like it was 25 mins from when he arrested, he also got shot and ran in gz and he also vdm 3 people on the way to dlc. Arrest was from 2:40-3:09 on 22.12.2022 in game. And according to 5.6 im allowed to request POV
  11. D

    Rejected GZ 1.1 | 157313

    nice metagaming too
  12. D

    Approved Pov Request I 169642

    you can see his on roof bro just let it go
  13. D

    Rejected GZ 1.1 | 157313

    you ran in GZ lol its a official greenzone which means if your in the green zone itll show on top right, in your POV your clearly not in green zone since its not even on your top right
  14. D

    Approved ER 1.2 | Dinero Family

    Your either stupid or blind
  15. D

    Rejected Close Thread Please

    explain how in this pov you can see how you guys shoot first and we just start shooting back lmao next time post full POV and stop trying to lie to admins
  16. D

    Rejected Close Thread Please

    show full min POV of you shooting first?
  17. D

    Rejected Close this thread

    6 reports today bro get a life
  18. D

    Approved MK 31120

    Finishes me while ems is patching me up
  19. D

    Approved Ghetto Rule 1.5 181974

    thats why u disbanded lmao. Fastest gang to disband
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