Admins this is plain sight ooc insults i don't why the admins haven't blocked this guy permanently yet he is literally saying things that he shouldn't say , he literally doesn't care about roleplay he is an idiot who has some issues and he should not be allowed on this server.
First he vdms us when i was talking to one of the neighbhours. Then at 10:47 out of nowhere someone starts shooting at me from the hill. i go to check it out i see the same guy with white cloths and i will post a screen shot where u can see his white car again in the mountain and you cant drive...
I am gonna add one more thing as he is saying he is waiting for someone for but no-one in the Falcon family was on their way to meet them so he was meeting some other guy keeping this in mind why would I invite someone to meet him in someone's else property it's just doesn't make sense he is...
This guy does not respect the server rules or the Roleplay , he should be banned from grand rp as even after getting punished this many times he still doing the same shit.
Dear curators ,
This threads against him in last 3-4 days he is determined to ruin rp for everyone look at this guy's name it's so unrealistic too falcon killer ...
This is his 2nd thread from my family and 3rd in overall in last 24 hours this guys is determined to ruin rp experience for everyone , such a sad Little chicken
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