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  1. joshsewell

    Reviewed FAIL RP | 364269

    they did the same to me they are using life invader ads to rob people power gaming
  2. joshsewell

    Rejected power gaming |mass rule break | bating | 335066| 362619

    i posted an add to buy gloves on life invader, i got a text message to buy the gloves, i was sent a house number and then robbed buy players not wearing family clothes or gang clothes i was bated to come to a house to buy them this is against rules he also started the robbery with 3 people...
  3. joshsewell

    Approved 319591 trying to scam

    seems alot of ems staff are doing this and getting away with it by using the excuse of saying he is busy then he ignores you whenb asking why scamming
  4. joshsewell

    Approved 319591 trying to scam

    this happend to me yesterday also i wanted patching up he offered me 15 med kits and i accepted as he said patching you up
  5. joshsewell

    Approved rdm | Gz | 161471 | 198969 | 210122

    random shooting each other punching and vdm
  6. joshsewell

    Rejected exploiting | Cheating | 244015 | 320223

    possible cheating or exploiting passing goods to each other and selling back to each other.
  7. joshsewell

    Approved rdm in gean zone | 210122

    killed in a green zone rdm/ he killed 4 people and also spamming mike, not me speaking thats other people around me
  8. joshsewell

    Rejected killed with out coms | 322393 299838 96599

    went on property, i understand family are aloud to defend pannels no coms was given i was shot and killed my health was already low but even so coms should have been givven before shooting, ps not me speaking friend that is next to me.
  9. joshsewell

    Approved punching in GZ | 360068

    random punching players in green zone
  10. joshsewell

    Approved killed in Green zone | 326806

    player was in red zone shooting so i ran back to grean zone to avoid being shot player then kills me in green zone and shouts abuse
  11. joshsewell

    Approved N-Word | ID 360204

    player was being detained at the capital whilst awaiting a unit, player 360204 left a racist remark and left the game
  12. joshsewell

    Rejected raciest player, left game whils arrested fail rp

    player was being detained at the capital and was awaiting a unit to collect him, whilst waiting player left a raciest comment and left the server
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