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Search results

  1. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected ( Ramming car out of GZ | ID 27803)

    Never fixed, denied!
  2. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected Killed in HQ | ID 33333

    Never fixed, denied!
  3. Austin Woods - Amore

    Approved FailRP + NVL | Multiple LEOs

    With this evidence. Time stamp 1:03 ID 7852 is shot and killed. While the shooting continued, he isn’t necessarily “hostage”, but his life is in danger no? Kill logs show FIB has the death of 7852 on their hands. Then once the hostage is grabbed, there is no repercussions to save his life, as...
  4. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected DM in GZ | ID: 46141, 208

    This was already rejected! Post again and you will be punished for the rules you broke! (Warn) You don’t want that! denied!
  5. Austin Woods - Amore

    Approved GN 6.7 harassed EMS employees id-67665,68396

    Approved 68396 will receive worse punishment than 67665. Both for General Rules 6.12 not the mistaken 6.7 as typed.
  6. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected Killed in HQ | ID 33333

    Pov is required to be 1+ minute long
  7. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected ( Ramming car out of GZ | ID 27803)

    Make pov 1+ minute long
  8. Austin Woods - Amore

    Approved General rule 6.5 ID : 71784

    It is clear that was EMS. Though you did apologize and revive him the punishments will be lighter than more extreme cases. Approved
  9. Austin Woods - Amore

    Approved FailRP + NVL | Multiple LEOs

    Still under investigation, provide me a POV from someone who is with the hostage during the time of your FIRST pov. 00.13 we see gun shots from both ends. with this POV I will determine who shot first. Looting in a GF sure, non Rp driving sure, not my concern, the main issue is the Hostage...
  10. Austin Woods - Amore

    Approved FailRP + NVL | Multiple LEOs

    Locked, pending my review.
  11. Austin Woods - Amore

    Reviewed killing/shooting in city and fail rp | ID 41928

    Closed for coming clean! Let’s just Rp correctly and have a good time.
  12. Austin Woods - Amore

    Approved Scamming, RDM | ID 25792

    Approved. 25792 will be permanently banned for General 1.3.
  13. Austin Woods - Amore

    Reviewed killing/shooting in city and fail rp | ID 41928

    Pending pov which has been agreed apon to post later tomorrow. Marked as reviewed until then.
  14. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected Devonte KrownSr | NG Biography

    Approved following past approval message
  15. Austin Woods - Amore

    Reviewed killing/shooting in city and fail rp | ID 41928

    Need pov before shooting engaged, DM in city is allowed with RP
  16. Austin Woods - Amore

    Approved F word | ID: 33377

    Approved. 33377 will be banned for 6.19
  17. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected DM in GZ, Cop Baiting, Trespassing | ID 208, 41265, 46141

    You broke rules yourself! There is RP of you getting chased and yelled at. Not to mention the returning into GZ, and engaged in a shootout. Most of this is IC ISSUES! Denied
  18. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected DM IN CITY

    Correct your title Upload evidence to YouTube or stream able 1+ minute long pov. 3 hours to fix this
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