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  1. henry glock

    Approved shooting inside hq | 56574

    this is mab the 10th time he was here to shoot people in hq
  2. henry glock

    Approved vdm | 60406

  3. henry glock

    Approved combat log |59373

    i was about to rob him called for backup he combat loged
  4. henry glock

    Approved vdm | 54438

    i was shooting the black car guy he ran back to his house and came his car then his friend started shooting .... and everything is on video i dont have the running back to gz proof bit these kids are dum
  5. henry glock

    Approved vdm | 54449

    vdmed inside hq twice video time stamp 3.29 4.51
  6. henry glock

    Approved vagos shooting is blood hq |25040

    look at this fool
  7. henry glock

    Approved vagos shooting is blood hq |25040

  8. henry glock

    Approved vdm with a plain | 34312

    and non rp driving or flying :) hahah
  9. henry glock

    Approved vdm with a plain | 34312

    more proof
  10. henry glock

    Approved vdm | 11826

    every time i get vdmed i can move and they do it purpose fully you can clearly see he changed his lain just to knock me of the bike
  11. henry glock

    Approved dm in gz |47024

  12. henry glock

    Rejected fail rp and asking for dmorgun | 5942

    here is the hole situation on words ____ so we kidnaped a vagos in getto and take him to the winewood hills cause they allays awna fight in arena but its ooc so in real rp life we take him there give him some dimands he refused those then we called an admin after the god showing up and telling...
  13. henry glock

    Approved running back to hq in a chase | 54441, 54418

    im from an unofficial org
  14. henry glock

    Rejected cop running into gz | 43244

    hole gang said him to pull over and he ran into green zone while being chased
  15. henry glock

    Approved vagos vdm | 5707

    they do this every day if this is an accident they dont need to kill me
  16. henry glock

    Rejected vagos vdm | 22612

    if they can vdm and rob me im totally fine with that. i just wanna to confirm if it's legal I will start throwing people of the bike and start killing them in getto
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