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  1. B

    Approved VDM | 144116

    they robbed the ATM i shot them so they ran from car they hit me with the car two of them came out from that car and killed me
  2. B

    Reviewed unban me from 3 discord server | none

    my IP address if you need :
  3. B

    Reviewed unban me from 3 discord server | none

    I am banned from 3 important [En2] discord servers FIB GOV EMS whenever I try to join it says "User is banned from this guild". somebody unban me, I did nothing, it is hampering my experience my discord username is: maanjakanishk and my discord user ID is: 1250476689126068360
  4. B

    Rejected I got banned from discord servers

    I am banned from 3 important servers of En2 EMS FIB GOV which is ruining my experience please unban me I did nothing whenever I join them it says 'user is banned from this guild' my discord name is: maanjakanishk and my discord user ID is: 1250476689126068360
  5. B

    Reviewed CL | 147972

    all in POV he left the area when he got killed by me
  6. B

    Approved RDM | 138423

    i was simply going after someone patched me nobody asked me to stop and I am LSPD on duty I was there to find criminal on search base
  7. B

    Approved CL | 143384

    i am LSPD , i gave him 3 verbal warnings for not do drifting near HQ he did not show me his passport and when I stopped his engine it was fitted with anti-radar which is illegal so I have a right to catch him and conclude the situation but he left the city
  8. B

    Approved CL | 150916

    we LSPD were doing ghetto petrol where he was part of a gang who was troubling the ghetto petrol so we clapped the gang guys but when I saw him alive I ran to him and he left the city
  9. B

    Approved CL | 140512

    all in pov
  10. B

    Approved Gen Rule 6.2 | 128624

    I was just going to ask him why is he wearing a vest and he was running all in proof video
  11. B

    Approved CL | 147574

    he left by F1 all in POV
  12. B

    Reviewed RDM | 49127

    Meta-gaming can be seen by the suspects I am in LSPD I heard gunshots and dropped a local I got one suspect and his friends came I don't know how they know that he is in custody [meta gaming] and when I was running after losing him by my arms this fellow killed me even when I sat in my car...
  13. B

    Approved CL | 116369

    we were at a global situation as you can see he just went away from the situation people like that should not be allowed to play RP games they just kill our mood I have a right to search at crime scene
  14. B

    Approved VDM | 45825

    i asked him to come out as he was having a gun he did not come and failed to comply also did VDM from car I gave warning to neutralize the situation to leave I did not shoot I am SAHP
  15. B

    Rejected PG

    I went to the SAHP officer to ask why I had two stars after telling due to illegal items he cuffed me and dragged me with PDA open
  16. B

    Approved RDM | 89021

    he gave me a warning to leave the area but I am a strong cop I don't have a fear of life I chose to kill him instead and when I try to know his details in the game I cannot failure to comply and behave murder [I did not shoot first ] check full body cam here
  17. B

    Appreciation to administrators

    My nickname : Ash badshah ( 126591) The administrator name : Rishav raj The essence of gratitude : you really watched all the POV and read conversatio before judging thanks
  18. B

    Reviewed RDM | 126591

    please consider our conversation before judging I request don't give punishment i am a good COP let me know if I was wrong
  19. B

    Reviewed RDM | 126591

  20. B

    Reviewed RDM | 126591

    Give POV that you were defending yourself from the one I call victim and you call killer and I will ask admin to put me in jail assume that you were defending then why you killing my colleague thankyou
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