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  1. OOT4Blud

    Rejected POV Req | 125571 and 76855

    i was also taken to prison and fined $15000 by another SAHP officer (id: 113191) for having no firearms license, (When you can see i do have a license) i also have that video if required.
  2. OOT4Blud

    Rejected POV Req | 125571 and 76855

    Wrongfully arrested by: Farraz Exe, player id: 125571 and Stranger id: 76855, for no firearms license, when, i do actually have a firearms license. Starts at 02.00 minutes in
  3. OOT4Blud

    Approved CR | ID 123440

    Ramming me in truck with his car, then trying to kill with gun
  4. OOT4Blud

    Approved CR | ID 46194

    another attempt from 46194 to ram truck
  5. OOT4Blud

    Approved CR | ID 46194

    From 03:06 in 1st POV: Car ramming into truck for no reason, then kept ramming, then pulled a gun as i retaliated against him. Then proceeded to ram the truck so i could not use it. From 00:39 can see ID 46194 in 2nd POV flipping truck
  6. OOT4Blud

    Approved RDM | 4129

    No idea why this happened, I was AFK at time. POV at minute 4:35 on
  7. OOT4Blud

    Rejected Silence ban for Trolling: Abood Ryu

    Today on Grand RP I was banned for Trolling! Why? I was not Trolling on Grand RP. I asked for the rule for using a voice mod, he could not provide the rule, as there is no rule for a voice mod. It is not a cheating mod, there are rules for cheating mods, but not voice mods, also as you can...
  8. OOT4Blud

    Rejected 1.1 Green Zone killings are prohibited | ID 28531

    Green Zone It is a place where all criminal activities are forbidden. Let the adventures liven up in Grand RP, jeez, day 4 and all is getting lively. guy in security van, black in colour, with money painted on side, some sort of logo, 'its not personal, its business' trying to force me out of...
  9. OOT4Blud

    Rejected 1.1 Green Zone killings are prohibited

    Green Zone It is a place where all criminal activities are forbidden. Let the adventures liven up in Grand RP, jeez, day 4 and all is getting lively. guy in security van, black in colour, with money painted on side, some sort of logo, 'its not personal, its business' trying to force me out of...
  10. OOT4Blud

    Rejected OOC | ID 31987

    Grand RP ID 31987 rams me on scooter then opens door and obliterates me with a shotgun
  11. OOT4Blud

    Rejected OOC | ID 28531

    Let the adventures liven up in Grand RP, jeez, day 4 and all is getting lively. guy in security van, black in colour, with money painted on side, some sort of logo, 'its not personal, its business' trying to force me out of car, said he wanted money from me. WTF! outside government building...
  12. OOT4Blud

    Rejected OOC: id 28531

    Let the adventures liven up in Grand RP, jeez, day 4 and all is getting lively. guy in security van black in colour, with money painted on side, some sort of logo, 'its not personal, its business' trying to force me out of car, said he wanted money from me. WTF! outside government building. then...
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