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Search results

  1. Janis1

    Approved UB Demand + RDM I 74092 + 100075

    Google Translate here use this pls, we dont understand u
  2. Janis1

    Reviewed RDM & UB DEMAND | ID : 100075 & 74092

    1. u gay asf, u need jesus 2. i dont have leader 3. Google Translate will help u out 4.* why are you toxic?*
  3. Janis1

    Approved UB Demand + RDM I 74092 + 100075

  4. Janis1

    Approved UB Demand + RDM I 74092 + 100075

    how am i toxic? pls explane
  5. Janis1

    Reviewed RDM & UB DEMAND | ID : 100075 & 74092

    cry about it?
  6. Janis1

    Approved UB Demand + RDM I 74092 + 100075

    this cant get aproved, he legit has cut the pov to make him and friends *safe* why are you? MetaGamin and why is your friend Mixing??
  7. Janis1

    Reviewed RDM & UB DEMAND | ID : 100075 & 74092

    Go rp at beachmarket man
  8. Janis1

    Reviewed RDM & UB DEMAND | ID : 100075 & 74092

    are you stupid??? you are legit standing on some1s property with out there premision, if they want they can give u demands to leave. They legit gave you more then 5sec to leave
  9. Janis1

    Reviewed RDM & UB DEMAND | ID : 100075 & 74092

    Fear RP? u have guns aiming at u and you just stand still?
  10. Janis1

    Approved RDM|8070

    id8070 is blacklisted from forums so thats what he had to say
  11. Janis1

    Approved RDM|8070

    Non rp driving in beginning??? why arent you showing the full pov
  12. Janis1

    Reviewed pov req | 0000

    from rodgers
  13. Janis1

    Rejected Pov Request - 0000

    cuz he crashed
  14. Janis1

    Approved RDM Gen Rule 6.15 ID |8261

    naic verij naic bro
  15. Janis1

    Reviewed Pov Req | 20178

    okey so why do you need my pov?
  16. Janis1

    Reviewed Pov Req | 20178

  17. Janis1

    Reviewed Pov Req | 20178

    the fact that you need to wait 2 days just to post it is sad, get a life
  18. Janis1

    Reviewed Pov Req | 20178

    its a bug
  19. Janis1

    Reviewed Pov req | 7249

    a person has 104 hp smartypants bout time when you realise that
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