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  1. Tucoo

    Reviewed RDM I 87666

    he give u demand and u did not show the full situation must be 1 min that s self report talking while u dead + fear rp
  2. Tucoo

    Rejected ban appeal : Bug abuse

    Hello i got ban for bug abuse recently for using radio bug , am relly sorry for that and i love this porject and am enjoying playing grp with my friends I know it was my mistake and I don't evade the blame, but I would like to be worthy of a second chance
  3. Tucoo

    Approved bug abuse 22717

    bro rep his own fam member
  4. Tucoo

    Approved Bug Abuse | 151801

    i don t mean to do it i was talking in radio in that time
  5. Tucoo

    Rejected RDM : 80

    he just mad cuz he didnt get the parachute
  6. Tucoo

    Rejected Fear RP and possible meta gaming 12520

    What did u just dropped from ur inventory!! Lmao and where is the gang cars
  7. Tucoo

    Rejected Vagos Mass Rule Break

    Broo that s soo funny lol U mixing+ fail rp + meta gaming lmao
  8. Tucoo

    Approved RDM ID : 151801

    Hahhaha absolutely 0iq bro u will be surprised after admin review that
  9. Tucoo

    Approved RDM ID : 151801

    And believe that there is a command code before searching license plate with pda Am pretty sure that's count as fail rp And in ur pov at 0:45 u said something while u dead Bro self report
  10. Tucoo

    Approved RDM ID : 151801

    I gave you demande and i did that for a reason and u supposed to leave But instead of leaving u just stayed there waiting for ur death and that s fear rp for u brother by saying " go ahead and shoot"
  11. Tucoo

    Approved Mass rulebreak | 151801

    What language are u speaking
  12. Tucoo

    Approved Mass rulebreak | 151801

  13. Tucoo

    Approved Mass rulebreak | 151801

  14. Tucoo

    Approved Mass rulebreak | 151801

    Only 2 pointing gun the others was fighting and none of them did nothing about it i took that chance by taking the car when it's free
  15. Tucoo

    Approved Mass rulebreak | 151801

    and u guys meta gaming toooo lmao bro self report literally no one of u used radio the whole time
  16. Tucoo

    Approved Mass rulebreak | 151801

    first it my first time i came there i just saw my fam memb in map + how u call that fail rp when no one is pointing gun at me
  17. Tucoo

    Rejected VDM | 172833

    Every time u shoot man LESSGOO
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