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  1. V

    Approved OCC Insult | 219144

    those 3 guys was sexually harass our friend and when i started talking with them this guy occ insult me
  2. V

    Approved ER 1.2 - GR 6.15 | 346871

    He killed us both before Rating battle.
  3. V

    Approved Possible Bug abuse |347966

    So i killed this guy when i first enter and later on i saw him again killing someone i think he bug abuse and enter informal again ill put ss for second time
  4. V

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 48240

    show full pov when u said leave area
  5. V

    Approved POVREQ | 0000

    u can clearly see that i was behind u and shot u idk why pov req lol
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