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Search results

  1. God!Gogsiko

    Approved General ghetto rules 1.4 | 997

    General ghetto rules 1.4 It is forbidden to push/kill gangmembers on their HQ. You are not allowed to enter on HQ of another gang without permission. | WARN 1.5 If you are standing on your HQ it is forbidden to start shooting from your own territory. | WARN
  2. God!Gogsiko

    Reviewed Unban Appeal | Account Sharing | Chris Jackson

    agreed if you unban me
  3. God!Gogsiko

    Reviewed Unban Appeal | Account Sharing | Chris Jackson

    5 months ago i made account on epic games with social club kalmistaraa than 4 month later i wanted to return in game and i joined with another social club which made on steam account social club name:GOGSSY i thought this account is made with GOGSSY and i joined the game than i got banned by...
  4. God!Gogsiko

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Account Sharing |

    5 months ago i made account on epic games with social club kalmistaraa than 4 month later i wanted to return in game and i joined with another social club which made on steam account social club name:GOGSSY i thought this account is made with GOGSSY and i joined the game than i got banned by...
  5. God!Gogsiko

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Account Sharing |

    5 months ago i made account on epic games with social club kalmistaraa than 4 month later i wanted to return in game and i joined with another social club which made on steam account social club name:G0GSSY i thought this account is made with GOGSSY and i joined the game and this is a reason...
  6. God!Gogsiko

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Account Sharing | Chris Jackson

    Hey dear admin , i was banned due to account sharing, i am not sharing my account with anyone , the problem was just rockstar games social club, i was banned on rockstar games launcher thats why i used ip changer and also my internet in georgia changes my ip every 1 week so , pls unban me...
  7. God!Gogsiko

    Rejected Cartel Family | Unofficial Organisation

    Family name - Cartel Family owner - Gogs Cartel Family house number - 1441 Family owners discord - Wallcraft#1111 Family owners forum - God!Gogsiko Leader name- Gogs Cartel 489 History of Cartel in 1995 georgia had hard times so Gogs needed to make some money so he decided move to los...
  8. God!Gogsiko

    Rejected Cartel Family | Unofficial Organisation

    I have been waiting for 5 days
  9. God!Gogsiko

    Rejected Cartel Family | Unofficial Organisation

    Family name - Cartel Family owner - Gogs Cartel Family house number - 1441 Family owners discord - Wallcraft#1111 Family owners forum - God!Gogsiko History of Cartel in 1995 georgia had hard times so Gogs needed to make some money so he decided move to los santos so he could help his...
  10. God!Gogsiko

    Rejected Onyone | Unofficial Organization

    family name- Onyone Family family owner name and id- Gogs GodOnyone 19277 family house number- 1716 family owner forums profile link- https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/2713/ family owner discord id and tag- Gogs Onyone#7777
  11. God!Gogsiko

    Rejected Onyone | Unofficial Organization

    1. 2.The main goal of our criminal family is to create one of the largest organizations, which will be involved in various businesses such as: weapons (purchase, storage, sale) as well as trade in other illegal substances. Robbery of personal property and other activities that are...
  12. God!Gogsiko

    Rejected Onyone | Unofficial Organization

    Family name - Onyone Family owner - Gogs Godonyone Family house number - 1716 Family owners discord - Wallcraft#7777 Family owners forum - https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/2713/ History of Onyone in 1995 georgia had hard...
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