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Search results

  1. Mert Pluxury

    Rejected NG BIO CORRUPT | MERT PLUXURY | 202930

    Organization : National Guard Name : Laura Bun Gender : Male Age : 23 Nationality : Turkish Place of Birth : Turkey Sexuality : Homo Eye color : Brown Hair color : Blonde Strengths : Kind person friendly patience big knowledge good decision on every situation can speak german turkish and english...
  2. Mert Pluxury

    Rejected NG CORRUPT BIO | LAURA BUN | 202930

    Organization : National Guard Name : Laura Bun Gender : Male Age : 23 Nationality : Turkish Place of Birth : Turkey Sexuality : Homo Eye color : Brown Hair color : Blonde Strengths : Kind person friendly patience big knowledge good decision on every situation can speak german turkish and english...
  3. Mert Pluxury

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt bio | Laura Bun | 202930

    Organization : Los Santos Police Department Name : Laura Bun Gender : male Age : 23 Nationality : Turkish Place of Birth : Turkey Sexuality : homo Eye color : brown Hair color : blonde Strengths : kind person friendly patience big knowledge good decision on every situation can speak german...
  4. Mert Pluxury

    Rejected rdm suspect id: 202930

    what is rdm in ghetto going gz in chase LOOOOOOOL
  5. Mert Pluxury

    Approved CL I 202930 , 147662

    i like ur subconscious
  6. Mert Pluxury

    Approved CL I 202930 , 147662

    admin i got connection lost iam uploading
  7. Mert Pluxury

    Rejected Fail RP | ID 12377

    Upon reviewing the evidence i decided to deny this report. As it's been 48 hrs since the situation occurred.
  8. Mert Pluxury

    Rejected Fail RP | ID 12377

  9. Mert Pluxury

    Approved VDM | ID 53294

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to accept this report. Player 53294 will be punished for VDM.
  10. Mert Pluxury

    Approved Incomplete Punishment | Mert Pluxury

    Id 991 will be punished for CL. Complaint.
  11. Mert Pluxury

    Approved VDM | ID 53294

    Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report. Incorrect Format. Fix the title you have 6 hours.
  12. Mert Pluxury

    Approved VDM | ID 53294

  13. Mert Pluxury

    Approved FearRP | 27240

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to accept this report. Player 27240 will be punished for FearRP.
  14. Mert Pluxury

    Approved FearRP | 27240

  15. Mert Pluxury

    Approved UB,CL,FearRP | 991

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to accept this report. Player 991 will be punished for Fail RP. Player 991 will be punished for UB. Player 76913 will be punised for Mixing.
  16. Mert Pluxury

    Approved UB,CL,FearRP | 991

    Upon reviewing this evidence i cannot conclude the report at this time. Requesting POV from ID 991 of the possible crash. You have 6 hours to do.
  17. Mert Pluxury

    Approved UB,CL,FearRP | 991

  18. Mert Pluxury

    Rejected CR, Mixing, RDM & PG/UB | 37634, 48023 & 60413

    Upon reviewing the evidence i decided to deny this report. As it's been 48 hrs since the situation occurred.
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