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Search results

  1. Adi Bigfist

    Rejected Pov Request | 181157

    On Consideration
  2. Adi Bigfist

    Rejected VDM |139380

    Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report Please explain the situation instead of writing "All POV"
  3. Adi Bigfist

    Rejected VDM |139380

    On Consideration
  4. Adi Bigfist

    Rejected GR 3.1+ 3.2 |138822

    Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report MF is slang (Including in other languages also)
  5. Adi Bigfist

    Reviewed pov req I 194778

    Thread Reviewed ID 194778 will receive punishment for ER 1.7 (for not providing POV in the given time frame)
  6. Adi Bigfist

    Reviewed Pov request+Possible cheats |0000

    Thread Reviewed POV Provided Nothing suspicious
  7. Adi Bigfist

    Rejected GR 3.1+ 3.2 |138822

    On Consideration
  8. Adi Bigfist

    Reviewed Pov request+Possible cheats |0000

    Requesting ID 133721 to Provide POV of same situation You have 12 hours to do so
  9. Adi Bigfist

    Reviewed Pov request+Possible cheats |0000

    On Consideration
  10. Adi Bigfist

    Reviewed possible cheats | 195796

    On Consideration
  11. Adi Bigfist

    Reviewed pov req I 194778

    Requesting ID 194778 to Provide POV of same situation You have 12 hours to do so
  12. Adi Bigfist

    Reviewed pov req I 194778

    On Consideration
  13. Adi Bigfist

    Reviewed POV Request | 173200

    Thread Reviewed POV Provided Nothing suspicious
  14. Adi Bigfist

    Reviewed POV Request | 173200

    Requesting ID 173200 to Provide POV of same situation You have 10 hours to do so
  15. Adi Bigfist

    Approved VDM | 194805

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report. ID 194805 will receive punishment for VDM (As seen in the POV ID 194805 did VDM at 00:28)
  16. Adi Bigfist

    Reviewed POV Request | 173200

    On Consideration
  17. Adi Bigfist

    Rejected ER 1.6 | 10389

    Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report Thread Closed as per Owner's request
  18. Adi Bigfist

    Approved VDM | 194805

    On Consideration
  19. Adi Bigfist

    Rejected ER 1.6 | 10389

    On consideration
  20. Adi Bigfist

    Rejected Pov Req I 152072

    Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report Thread Closed as per Owner's request
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