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Search results

  1. Nerthiel Flex

    Reviewed Pov Request | 371595

    It's so ridiculous that something like this happens
  2. Nerthiel Flex

    Reviewed Pov Request | 371595

    i dont ask for shoot :) Why not die i ask show me ur pov
  3. Nerthiel Flex

    Reviewed Pov Request | 371595

    I want to see what happens
  4. Nerthiel Flex

    Reviewed Pov request | 0000

  5. Nerthiel Flex

    Reviewed pov req | 287090

  6. Nerthiel Flex

    Reviewed pov req | 287090

    I want to see how you get to the roof
  7. Nerthiel Flex

    Approved Fail RP GHR 1.7 I 282396 272452 92621 390761

    what is rob lol xd
  8. Nerthiel Flex

    Rejected Personal Biography | Nerthiel Helheim | 235186

    Name: Nerthiel Helheim Gender: Female Age: 24 Nationality: Japanese Place of Birth: Turkey,İstanbul Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Blue Hair color: White Tattoos: Certain parts of the body Strenghts: Helpful and good shooter Weakness: Very angry Life Story: Nerthiel was born into...
  9. Nerthiel Flex

    Approved RDM | 235186

    ı like it meta look at this discord XD
  10. Nerthiel Flex

    Approved Ban Appeal - Donte Shepard

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/621412/ Regarding the forum mentioned above I did not see the bug abuse I made here. And I was banned for 30 days. My punishment should be NLR and RDM, where is the bug abuse I made? I think my sentence was given incorrectly, because 2 videos were cropped...
  11. Nerthiel Flex

    Approved RDM - NLR | 235186

    Isn't it rule break with out bio that he participates in such family events and kills people without his corrupted bio? also let's share the video before the situation , the admins will make the necessary decision. Do not try the trick admins like that..
  12. Nerthiel Flex

    Approved GR 6.15 | 235186

    its not gen 6.15 its RDM u drinked or what?
  13. Nerthiel Flex

    Rejected RDM - 324942

    all in pov.
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