Family Name : NoMercy
Family Owner : King alexander | 57745
Family House Number : 919
Family Owners Discord : kingbluefire
Leader Forum Name : King alexander
The NoMercy family didn’t start in one day it took many months and days to start.
I first came in the city and didn’t knew...
and about en3 that's a totally different server and in en2 i never used any cheats or did anything wrong because i love en2 and that's the truth i request the admins to check my logs if i did anything wrong.
I request the higher ups admins to check my logs and history because most of the time i got unbanned because of wrong decision and i didn't get to many bans.
Oh see this kid crying and trying so hard to ban me are you jealous of me 🤣 its another server and the admin who banned me told me that you can play other server but not en3 anymore what ever bro if i get banned i have no problem because i have enjoyed playing the grand rp server and itsb een 3...
And just to add another information rolex got to many bans and i didn't so i request admin to check my punishment history because most of the time i got unpunished.
You guys are just targeting our fam members and you all are ban evading and when ever i got ban i also got unbanned because of wrong decision check the forums Lebron sir him self unpunished me so you should stop targeting me and my friends and you guys are just ban evading and are trying to ban...
The admin who punished me didn't did anything wrong because he just followed the rules and he did his work so i don't have any problems with him to make things clear.
Hello sir, i got ban because of deceiving admin i did mistake in the past but when i uploaded my application for leader/admin there wasn't any punishment for age i tried to edit the 19 year old forum but at that time there was no option and people at that time didn't get punishment for wrong age...
so they got ban recently and i posted this 1 year ago there was no such rule for age ok but its introduced recently and guy like you are taking advantage of this a posting forum for no reason and you i request admin to further check on this guy because he is targeting my family leader/members to.
there was no rule when i posted it its newly introduced and if this was a rule i could have been punished in this between 1 year but i didnt because its newly introduced and now if you take advantage of this and make forum against people you are clearly targeting people i request the admins to...
and when i posted the forums for both no one used to get punished for deceiving admin for this reason this rule was introduced later on so i request the admin to check further on this forum because when i posted the forums for the application i didnt get punished because there was no punishment...
First of all i want to tell that i wanted to fix the 19 year old forum but there was no option for editing the forum so i couldn't do anything about this and after we all were aware about this rule then i didn't post any wrong information so i request the admins to further check because it was a...
How is that ub demand and rdm there was a solar at your house that’s why we gaved you demands and after we gaved you demands you didn’t comply and leave that’s why my friend killed you
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