1. Your name: Shadman
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT +6
4. Average online per day: 4 to 8 hours
5. Your Discord: king red fire#1583
6. Your Nickname: King alexander
7. Your ID: 57745
Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
- I want to become admin because i...
1. Your name: Shadman
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT +6
4. Average online per day: 4 to 8 hours
5. Your Discord: king red fire#1583
6. Your Nickname: King alexander
7. Your ID: 57745
Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
- I want to become admin because i...
Lebron sir (id-112868) joined my family and took guns, ammo, vests in bulk and left the family i need justice because i buyed all the things with my hard work cash by doing debt collecting all day please help.
bro i got there to talk with him id-95418 came outside the house and killed me without giving me any demands and at (15 sec in the bodycam) he told a OOC insult which is totally prohibited here please help.
Lebron sir me and my friend was in ghetto going to the debt collector from no were id-96099 came and started shooting us i got back and my friend killed me how thats a vdm there is clear he came infront of the car here is the bodycam of the guy its clear i didnt did vdm but ivy pluxury told...
thats why you are gonna get punishment according to 1.5 If you are standing on your HQ it is forbidden to start shooting from your own territory. | WARN
he collected your debt properly bro he told that i am gonna collect your debt and you are the guy who shooted him at 2 seconds of your demand you told leave the area in 5 4 3 and than at 2 you shooted you didnt even give proper demands to leave the area all in pov
lebron sir, i gaved the guys demands to leave we got down from the hill and than suddenly from no were some guys started shooting from the up of the hill and from the backside of me and id 93099 killed me masta killa rejected the forums he told i gave him demands to leave bro if i give demands...
listen bro you guys are shooting from different area one is at up of the hill one is at back side so you provide your bodycam if you guys got because thats all clear you did rdm
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