1. Vaše ime IRL: Andrej
2. Vaše godine:16
3. Vremenska zona: gmt+1
4. Od kada do kada ste inace ingame (Vremenski stavite npr od 10:00 do 19:00): od otprilike 2 do 10 uvece
5. Prosjecna aktivnost po danu(Vremenski): 7 8 sati
6. Vaš Discord: andrej4399
7. Vaše ingame ime:Andrej Furgeson
8. Vaš...
hello dear lebron,i am new to rs sever and i had some friends from there and we were joking around.We were robbing in geto and we killed a guy and we were robbing him.He was dropping revolver ammo and i didnt have any in my revolver so i picked it up and shot the revolver as soon as i picked up...
1. Vaše ime IRL: Andrej
2. Vaše godine:16
3. Vremenska zona: gmt+1
4. Od kada do kada ste inace ingame (Vremenski stavite npr od 10:00 do 19:00): od otprilike 2 do 10 uvece
5. Prosjecna aktivnost po danu(Vremenski): 7 8 sati
6. Vaš Discord: andrej4399
7. Vaše ingame ime:Andrej Furgeson
8. Vaš...
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