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  1. Kynx 〆

    Rejected Cheating ( RS ) / 123985

    Hello, ID 123985 known as Riki was cheating on Serbian server, which u can see on this video Second - 1:19 U have to check this with higher RS admins as he probably changed his rockstar but hes still playing on the same ip
  2. Kynx 〆

    Approved pov req | 76657

    imagine requesting these soprano npcs
  3. Kynx 〆

    Reviewed pov req / 52596

    in english, maybe?
  4. Kynx 〆

    Reviewed pov req I 0000

    this is the 10th forum he made on us, isnt this targeting?
  5. Kynx 〆

    Reviewed pov req I 0000

  6. Kynx 〆

    Reviewed pov req I 0000

    what would that mean
  7. Kynx 〆

    Reviewed pov req I 0000

    https://streamable.com/9u4zgo Heres my pov and stop annoying me pls
  8. Kynx 〆

    Reviewed pov req I 0000

    Idk why u even requesting my pov if u can see where I killed him from + he was fully open this guy makes 30 forums/day requesting povs from our family https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/933585/ https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/933585/#post-3275696 https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/933927/...
  9. Kynx 〆

    Rejected MG / Ballas

    Im not this type of guy but I had to report this one due to their leader being too stupid Pov - Watch whos the one crying now xd | Streamable
  10. Kynx 〆

    Reviewed POV Request | 0000

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/933547/#post-3274910 No need for 2 forums btw.
  11. Kynx 〆

    Reviewed POV Request | 0000

  12. Kynx 〆

    Reviewed POV REQUEST | 70470

    Hello, I'm sending my POV from this forum as I lost access to the other one, I already told this to admins. https://streamable.com/3maqs6
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