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  1. marten shelby

    Approved RDM | 84596 , 115909

    we have solar panel situation here and you come with your car in mountain first that non rp driving. then after we helped you i will put the pov now you do VDM to us
  2. marten shelby

    Reviewed Arabic speaking | 98814 | 197070 | 249602

    where is the insulting? you upload forum before and it's rejected why you trying to deceive admin? https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/502513/ i think you need to get punchment for all your history of deceive admin
  3. marten shelby

    Rejected POV request | 279128

    thanks you can close
  4. marten shelby

    Approved GEN 6.6 | 169642

    you can see that he is looting in gun fight
  5. marten shelby

    Rejected POV request | 279128

    i want to see how he killed me
  6. marten shelby

    Rejected GZ 1.2 | 98814 | 197070 | 249602

    G.Z 1.2? XD then i didnt hear any insulting in you POV and your POV its not 1 min the rule say the Evidence is cropped or edited (must be 1 minute+(exceptions might be, when you can understand the whole situation for less than 1 min));
  7. marten shelby

    Approved Fear RP, OOC Parental Abuse | ID: 226079, 124014

    if you understand arabic you can know that is not metagaming metagming meaning : it is strictly forbidden to talk IC stuff while using OOC ways of communicating and he didnt ask for help or anythink in his discord
  8. marten shelby

    Approved Insulting | 4571457

  9. marten shelby

    Approved Fear RP, OOC Parental Abuse | ID: 226079, 124014

    you cant give demand in the road its a city its ub demand
  10. marten shelby

    Approved RDM + MK | 215108

    RDM and MK
  11. marten shelby

    Approved OOC insult | 202158

    okay? XD
  12. marten shelby

    Approved OOC insult | 202158

    you can see the he is insulting me in the non rp chat
  13. marten shelby

    Approved Insulting | 322904

    insulting in arabic
  14. marten shelby

    Approved Fear RP | 278984

    you can see in the chat that this officer putting stuff in the trunk
  15. marten shelby

    Reviewed POV request | 27602

    nice bug abuse you aiming with the revo to get to the roof
  16. marten shelby

    Reviewed POV request | 27602

    i want to see how i dead
  17. marten shelby

    Rejected POV request | 9331

  18. marten shelby

    Approved POV Request | 82259

    i want to see how im dead
  19. marten shelby

    Rejected POV request | 9331

    thanks you can colse it
  20. marten shelby

    Rejected POV request | 9331

    can i know how he did not dead ? i damage him 53+47=100 and in informal is without armor
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