we have solar panel situation here and you come with your car in mountain first that non rp driving.
then after we helped you i will put the pov now you do VDM to us
where is the insulting?
you upload forum before and it's rejected why you trying to deceive admin?
i think you need to get punchment for all your history of deceive admin
G.Z 1.2? XD then i didnt hear any insulting in you POV and your POV its not 1 min
the rule say the
Evidence is cropped or edited (must be 1 minute+(exceptions might be, when you can understand the whole situation for less than 1 min));
if you understand arabic you can know that is not metagaming
metagming meaning : it is strictly forbidden to talk IC stuff while using OOC ways of communicating
and he didnt ask for help or anythink in his discord
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