I spent about 6 months in the city
I was High Coomand at NG, LSPD and FIB
I have also been in Bloods and Ballas for some time
the economy in the city is insane and unfair at all, and everyone knows this
even if you work 12 hours a day you can't afford a good house or good clothes
they came to FZ base to tell me you will get arrested
they don't respect the org HQ and they treated me as a criminal without proof against me!
I spent 7 terms at NG and i never saw this disrespect before.
we made a gang raid yesterday and all of the legal org members got killed and we lost it
fib made a department to say we win as usual after aircraft
i replayed with we aim to win the gang raid too! keep up the good work! as a motivation for every state employee
they came to the FZ base to told...
153958 This guy did a lot of CR and VDM to prevent us from arresting his family members!
The proof is clean 3 attempts to ram us and the heli with no RP-reason
Her friends did 2 attempts to MK 93511 and I also gave her food to eat and she didn't eat it.
as shown in my teammate's bodycam: Reviewed - MK , MG | ID : 93511
it's an obvious and clean MK
and if you want request a bodycam from 249902 because he looks suspicious to me! and you can punish 93511...
I was helping some random noobies by giving them a free ride and money
some guy with a taxi came and start VDM for no reason and he keep following us from the hotel to the license center the noobies told me that they will leave the server because of this guy and this city is unplayable like...
They did a mass NonRP situation by abusing a bug to hold someone from behind the wall!
the proof is so clean and I think they were using 3rd party app to communicate!
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