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  1. harry fotter

    Rejected Fail RP + 6.4 | 70379, 950059

    All in POV pls check POV, SHAP has done a rule break, without searching me he kept me in Jail and fined me for money also without any proof these guys put me in Jail
  2. harry fotter

    Rejected Fail RP + 6.4

    All in POV pls check POV, SHAP has done a rule break, without searching me he kept me in Jail.
  3. harry fotter

    Reviewed Ban For GR 1.1 | Nik_Payne

    I would like to money wipe with confirmation from Senior admin Rejected - Ban For GR 1.1 | Nik_Pane
  4. harry fotter

    Rejected Ban For GR 1.1 | Nik_Payne

    Dear Lebron and Senior Admins, Hope you are doing great..!! I have been in city since more than 2 years, in this span of 2+ years I have learnt lot of new things about the city. But I have got banned due to GR-1.1 the reason is in the initial days I have done one mistake which is 1 and half...
  5. harry fotter

    Rejected Ban For GR 1.1 | Nik_Pane

    Dear Lebron, Hope you are doing great..!! I have been in city since more than 2 years, in this span of 2+ years I have learnt lot of new things about the city. But I have got banned due to GR-1.1 the reason is in the initial days I have done one mistake which is 1 and half year back, and have...
  6. harry fotter

    Rejected Ban For GR 1.7 | Lebron Pluxury

    Hi Lebron, Hope you are doing great, On 18-May-2024 I have a done a 5m transaction to my family under deputy to buy the stuff for family and after some time when I was with sudden bad dreams and came to PH a new guy who came to city newly was asking some money, I thought of helping him and I...
  7. harry fotter

    Rejected Gr1.8 | Phani starr

    Hi Lebron, Hope you are doing great, On 18-May-2024 I have a done a 5m transaction to my family under deputy to buy the stuff for family and after some time when I was with sudden bad dreams and came to PH a new guy who came to city newly was asking some money, I thought of helping him and I...
  8. harry fotter

    Rejected Ban for nothing | By Mistake Transaction

    Hi Lebron, Hope you are doing great, On 18-May-2024 I have a done a 5m transaction to my family under deputy to buy the stuff for family and after some time when I was with sudden bad dreams and came to PH a new guy who came to city newly was asking some money, I thought of helping him and I...
  9. harry fotter

    Rejected Requst POV | 0000

    Hi Sir, we need a pov request of this person this person has damaged my state object with out gang dress or gang car. Requesting his pov for last 20-25mins of his pov IE from 10:55-11:15. Because he came in during 11:09 and again he came at 11:12. Also Demands has been given it will be there in...
  10. harry fotter

    Rejected POV Request | 0000

    Hi, we need a pov request of this person this person has damaged my state object 5 with out gang dress or gang car. Requesting you to check and help me on the same for your reference I am attaching a screenshot. https://uploadnow.io/f/BFNDQFb
  11. harry fotter

    Approved RDM | 109862, 109764

    Hi SIr, All in POV
  12. harry fotter

    Rejected gen rule 6.8 | 102364

    Hi Admin Sir, id - 102364 is doing amoral actions in relation to an unconscious person( gen rule 6.8) Punching unconscious person with shoe this is proof please go and check this one as well sir. POV
  13. harry fotter

    Approved Gen rule 6.8 | 94096

    hlo Sir any update?
  14. harry fotter

    Approved RDM | 94096, 99903, 114348

    if you are family why your family member started shooting without warning ? that you tried to do RDM from your end and tried to kill me. Here common sense is not required proof is required
  15. harry fotter

    Approved RDM | 94096, 99903, 114348

    You no need to hit a person who is unconscious get ready to share your pov
  16. harry fotter

    Approved RDM | 94096, 99903, 114348

    can you please share pov here Hi Admin Sir please make sure that he told some things here request his pov as well. Thanks
  17. harry fotter

    Approved Gen rule 6.8 | 94096

    Hi Admin Sir, id - 94096 is doing amoral actions in relation to an unconscious person( gen rule 6.8) Punching unconscious person with shoe this is proof please go and check this one as well sir. POV
  18. harry fotter

    Approved RDM | 94096, 99903, 114348

    Hi Admin Sir, This is the proof that they are doing meta gaming and also the id - 94096 is doing amoral actions in relation to an unconscious person( gen rule 6.8) Punching unconscious person with shoe this is proof please go and check this one as well sir. POV -
  19. harry fotter

    Approved RDM | 94096, 99903, 114348

    Then that means you are doing meta gamming ? why your friend is shooting me?
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