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  1. Kaisa Merks

    Approved Mass rule break | 142574

    Fail RP (Talking whilst dead in RP chat) Attempted GR 6.23 Admin disrespect (Jessica Quinn) GR 3.2 This gent was attempting to F1 to exit the city and come back into the city with full health. We was also talking whilst dead ooc insults and such.
  2. Kaisa Merks

    Approved RDM | 295816

    I was gardening and just got randomly killed.
  3. Kaisa Merks

    Approved RDM | 295816

    I parked my car and as I was running down the street I was shot and killed.
  4. Kaisa Merks

    Rejected 295816 RDM

    All in pov
  5. Kaisa Merks

    Rejected 295816 RDM

    All in POV
  6. Kaisa Merks

    Rejected 167185 and 98814 UB Demands and RDM

    all in pov
  7. Kaisa Merks

    Approved 232733 Mass RDM

    Shelby family again.
  8. Kaisa Merks

    Approved 232733 Sexual harassment and RDM

    Just the Shelby family doing this nonsense AGAIN.
  9. Kaisa Merks

    Approved RDM 290164

    healing my family member on my own property and just got randomly killed
  10. Kaisa Merks

    Rejected RDM 87666 220155

    At my house trying to patch my fam member up and these 2 shoot me when i start helping him without demands.
  11. Kaisa Merks

    Approved Bug Abuse ID96462

    Guy died and then F1 server to come alive again with full health.
  12. Kaisa Merks

    Approved Fail RP and RDM 89274

    just chilling in my car waiting to fall asleep and this guy comes up onto my property asks me what family it is and then proceeds to shoot me and kill me to revive me from my car and then take my debt...
  13. Kaisa Merks

    Approved Random RDM in GZ 123576

    I was sleeping at the petrol station and some random guy hit me with his car and then decided to RDM me
  14. Kaisa Merks

    Rejected Random RDM and RDM in GZ

    I was just sleeping minding my own business when a random guy drove into my car and just blew me away no explanation why and no reason.
  15. Kaisa Merks

    Approved GR 6.22 | 244379, 263039

    As seen in the video evidence these 2 gentlemen have decided to take goods from the family vehicles. Me and some other family members have contacted these members I managed to message one Aaron Ace 263039 but he has since changed his number to avoid giving the items back. They have both been...
  16. Kaisa Merks

    Rejected Merks | Unofficial Organisation

    Family Name: Merks Family House Number: 586 Leader: Hexton Merks | 188039 Leaders Discord: cottaging Family Founders | Kaisa Merks & Hexton Merks Family Logo: Family Story: In the sprawling and chaotic metropolis of Los Santos, amidst the glitz and glamour, an influential criminal...
  17. Kaisa Merks

    Rejected Mass RDM and MK 58862 + 218148

    Guys just randomly came and attacked my family again.
  18. Kaisa Merks

    Approved RDM 263061

    i was getting fuel and some guys just come up to me and RDM'd me
  19. Kaisa Merks

    Approved Emptying family warehouses 153686 and 36842

    153686 and 36842 have decided upon themselves to go through our family cars and take what is clearly not theirs I have recorded a video going through my family logs and they have taken vastly more out than they have put in and they only joined our family yesterday.
  20. Kaisa Merks

    Rejected Theft from a family vehicle

    A member from my family has taken it upon himself to take stuff from our family cars and not given the items back after being confronted.
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