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  1. go to sleep

    Rejected GR 6.8 | ID:125571

    he danced on me while i was dead
  2. go to sleep

    Approved Pov Req | 000000

    I want to see how i died
  3. go to sleep

    Approved Er 1.2 | id:88849

    all in pov
  4. go to sleep

    Approved Bug abuse | ID:106778

    another video
  5. go to sleep

    Reviewed RDM | 103011

    All in POV
  6. go to sleep

    Approved CR / VDM | ID :102410

    All in POV i dont know about he doing CR or vdm
  7. go to sleep

    Reviewed Bug abuse | ID : 99141

    All in POV Focus on ID: 2871
  8. go to sleep

    Rejected RDM | ID : 100636

    All in POV
  9. go to sleep

    Reviewed 000000 | cheat

    All in POV
  10. go to sleep

    Reviewed 000000 |Cheat

    All in POV and sorry about my mic
  11. go to sleep

    Rejected Mass Rule break | Bloods

    so as you can see in my video they killed me and tried to robe me in city instead of being in the ghetto, and the started insulting me while i was dead, and when the admin told them that they are not allowed to robe me, they waited tell the admin leaved the situation to kill me again on the...
  12. go to sleep

    Reviewed Ban for anti cheat #1004 by Napal fedorov

    Mr. Bobby, I was just out of the house, and when I came home, my account was blocked. i don't know why. I didn't do anything illegal. I just got home and my account is blocked.
  13. go to sleep

    Rejected RDM | ID:1448

    He killed me on my way home
  14. go to sleep

    Approved Gen 1.9 | Emad Kamado

    i have get banned for Gen rule 1.9 i think beacuse i putted my car in the Auto Fair for 2M and the State Value is 7.9M but when i ask my friends they told me that i need to sell it for 50% of stat value i know my mistake now . Im so sorry i didnt know that and I would be grateful for unban me .
  15. go to sleep

    Approved RDM,POWERGAMING |7090 .11630 .2222 .9619

    I was driving in the city and then they followed me they stopped me and killed me (RDM) and took dept from me without asking rp (powergaming)
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