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    REQUESTING FOR UN BAN i am new to RP World. after reading the general rule i came to know about details in gen 3.2 i will never repeat this mistake again. Please unban my account i am working in ems and have to report at earliest many thanks, badmosh pavan | 18993
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    Rejected GR 6.15 (RDM) ID-32084

    me and my friend ronit was gone to join ng (national guard) i was telling them me and my friend wants to ng and they did evry say us to leave the area and killed both
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    Rejected bodycam request

    so i was driving my car and i accidentally crashed into a cop who was towing the car in the middle of the road and then i stopped and said him sorry and all after saying sorry he ARRESTED ME FOR ATTEMPT TO MURDER but it wasnt so i request his body cam
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