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Search results

  1. Crax

    Rejected Director of Federal Investigation Bureau | CRAX Eren | 25166

    Information Name: Aditya Chettri Age: 23 Time Zone: GMT +5:30 Average Online Per Day: 4-6 hours and 10+ hour in weekends Discord: crax66 Nickname: CRAXX Eren ID: 25166 Additional information 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? Answer: Firstly, if given opportunity...
  2. Crax

    Rejected Leader of SAHP | CRAXX Eren | 25166

    Information Name: Aditya Chettri Age: 23 Time Zone: GMT +5:30 Average Online Per Day: 4-6 hours and 10+ hour in weekends Discord: crax66 Nickname: CRAXX Eren ID: 25166 Additional information 1. Leader of... SAN ANDREAS HIGHWAY PATROL (SAHP) 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific...
  3. Crax

    Rejected Ban for GR 6.3 | Magnes Haste

    Dear admin, My main account has got premanent banned a long time ago when i first time came in the city or its was my first time in roleplay games so i had no knowledge about the rules and i mistake i did was not intentional. i request you to please unban my main account you can wipe everything...
  4. Crax

    Rejected Ban for GR 6.3 | Magnes Haste

    Dear admins, My main account got permanently banned when I was a newbie to roleplay. I had no knowledge about the rules and regulations about the server but as now I am funny aware of all the rule and regulations. I repend for my mistake so kindly please resquesting you all to unban my account...
  5. Crax

    Rejected GR 6.3 + 1.9 | Magnes Haste

    I repent for my mistake i was new to roleplay and i had zero knowledge about the rule and regulation so kindly please wipe out my account and i promise not to repeat the mistake again in future.
  6. Crax

    Rejected Admin Application | CRAX Line | 25166

    Information Your name IRL- Aditya Chettri Your age (OOC): 23 Time zone + country: GMT+5:30 Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 5;30 ST - 17:30ST Average online per day(hours): 8-10 hours Your Discord ID: deadline3574 Your...
  7. Crax

    Rejected Director of FIB | Lucas line | 25166

    Information Your name IRL : Aditya Chettri Your age : 23 Time zone : GTM +5:30 Average online per day : 8-10 hour and 12+ hours during weekends. Your Discord : deadline3574 Your Nickname : Lucas line Your ID : 25166 Additional Information: 1.Leader of The Federal Investigation Bureau. 2. Why...
  8. Crax

    Rejected Admin application | Lucas line | 25166

    Information Your name IRL- Aditya Chettri Your age (OOC): 23 Time zone + country: GMT+5:30 Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 5;30 ST - 17:30ST Average online per day(hours): 8-10 hours Your Discord ID: deadline3574 Your...
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