hello dear admin,
i am tanjiro and three days ago i got banned for cheats due to some forum but it was not cheats it was just an illegal redux that i was not knowing that time but when i get to know that it is illegal so i deleted the redux, please sir unban me its my first time that i did any...
hello dear admin,
i am tanjiro and three days ago i got banned for cheats due to some forum but it was not cheats it was just an illegal redux that i was not knowing that time but when i get to know that it is illegal so i deleted the redux, please sir unban me...
hllo dear admin,
i am tanjiro marlega and i got banned by admin targaryen for fake reasons ,
she gave me one punishment of warning for G.R 6.15 and it was correct decision afterward she banned me by giving fake reason like G.Z 1.2 that was just fake as well as if she...
hello dear lebron ,
i am tanjiro marlega and i am writing this complaint because one day ago i posted a forum for unwarn appeal
and it was rejected by sir bobby maybe its my fault but when i logged in today i saw i got banned for fake reason and the reson was...
dear admin i dont have any proof bcz i was not making any body cam and i was with my friends and i got this gr 6.15 but if this admin have the pov that did so please tell her to show otherwise consider my forum and remove my warning as well as jail cz i dont know when did something so that i got...
as u can see in pov i wasn't involved in the fight so there is no problem if I go to unscripted green zone i was just driving my car and going to that clothing shop in ghetto , how come i did G.Z 1.3 i was not shooting, the other was guy was shooting even i didn't took out any of my...
as u can see in pov i wasn't involved in the fight so there is no problem if I go to unscripted green zone i was just driving my car and going to that clothing shop in ghetto , how come i did G.Z 1.3 i was not shooting, the other was guy was shooting even i didn't took out any of my...
as u can see in pov i wasn't involved in the fight so there is no problem if I go to unscripted green zone i was just driving my car and going to that clothing shop in ghetto , how come i did G.Z 1.3 i was not shooting, the other was guy was shooting even i didn't took out any of my...
as u can see in pov i wasn't involved in the fight so there is no problem if I go to unscripted green zone i was just driving my car and going to that clothing shop in ghetto , how come i did G.Z 1.3 i was not shooting, the other was guy was shooting even i didn't took out any of...
as u can see in pov i wasn't involved in the fight so there is no problem if go to unscripted green zone i was just driving my car and going to that clothing shop in ghetto , how come i did G.Z 1.3 i was not shooting the other was guy was shooting even i didn't took out any of my...
so i was in ghetto and this 90234 killed me in unscripted GZ that it and if u say i did ran from situation so i didn't,
the reason for to suppourt my ans is i didn't took out weapon to make situation thats it
so i was there to get the money printer but the lady gave me demand that was a ub demand as-well-as shooted me before counting from 5 till 1 .
so this comes under rdm and ub demand
so i gave demand to leave this area , and he leaved also but again he drove the heli and killed me with heli .
i also want compensation of 100k for my medical charges and for killing one person.
dear admin,
i cut my game because of irl work . i didn't done c.l intentionally and please sir forgive me this time if i knew that someone is going to kill me so i
would haven't done C.l please sir its my humble request to u to remain the punishment of jail but please...
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