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Search results

  1. Satyam Devil

    Approved CL-155545

    Watch the pov
  2. Satyam Devil

    Approved CR ID-110832

    Watch the pov
  3. Satyam Devil

    Rejected GR 6.15, trolling | 120812 115482

    I was doing my LSPD job and this guys came and shoot without demands
  4. Satyam Devil

    Approved Rdm at GZ ID-197477

    Just going for refuelling and this useless guy come and watch the video.....
  5. Satyam Devil

    Approved VDM | ID195513

    Watch the video and do what do you want
  6. Satyam Devil

    Approved Gen Rule 6.15, Mercy Killing | ID: 68802

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/138203/ here's the full pov.........
  7. Satyam Devil

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.15, Mercy Killing | ID: 68802

    He started shooting us without any rp + he mercy killed his friend
  8. Satyam Devil

    Reviewed Close it

  9. Satyam Devil

    Approved Car Ram | 990

    rammed while gun fight going on to kill him
  10. Satyam Devil

    Approved Event Rule 1.6, Gen Rule 6.15, UB | ID:91113, 96151, 141003, 108702, 151523, 130182

    Id 91113 was killing with Uniqe LMG while FZ raid is going on ( Event Rule 1.6 ) and family zero members id: 96151, 141003, 108702, 151523, 130182 was inside base without reason without fear of their lives and killing with sniper ( Event Rule 1.6, Gen Rule 6.15, UB )
  11. Satyam Devil

    Reviewed 6.14,6.15,6.16. ID- 21314,14697,25638

    they come & kill me with out rp they are searching me with out any rp i dont know they are gang members if they are gang member they are going very long
  12. Satyam Devil

    Approved CR CL ID-85700

    CR CL ID-85700
  13. Satyam Devil

    Rejected CR ID - 98182

    CR ID - 98182
  14. Satyam Devil

    Rejected VDM Non RP Flying ID-55239

    VDM Non RP Flying ID-55239
  15. Satyam Devil

    Rejected CL ID-120809

    CL ID-120809
  16. Satyam Devil

    Approved CL ID-124397

    CL ID-124397
  17. Satyam Devil

    Approved CL ID-101858,129855

    CL ID 101858,129855
  18. Satyam Devil

    Approved CL ID-28862,104618

    CL ID-28862,104618
  19. Satyam Devil

    Approved Combat Log ID-74252

    Combat Log
  20. Satyam Devil

    Approved Cheats ID-142871

    Modder spoted
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