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  1. xamir

    Reviewed General Rule 6.17 | Pablo Schmidt

    Hi Mr Lebron after pc check admin tell me game bar is not legal But i use medal for pov and for youtube videos i use xbox recorder and also i dont have a gpu with pc and cant use medal for long youtube videos coz its a heavy sofwere so had to use xbox and thats why it was here . Also i wasn't...
  2. xamir

    Rejected General Rule 6.17 (PC Check) | Pablo Schmidt

    Hello Dear Adminstrator Sir I didn't know that recording with X box recorder is banned . I'm back in the game after 10 months I want to be given one last chance
  3. xamir

    Approved RDM | 150163

    All IN POV He starts killing me before he tells me anything
  4. xamir

    Approved RDM | ID:43082

    All IN POV
  5. xamir

    Approved RDM | 13881

    all in pov
  6. xamir

    Approved VDM | ID 70116

    VDM | ID 70116 All POV IN VIDEO
  7. xamir

    Rejected MG | EMS ON Deauty Fun With Family Members

    All evidence In Pov
  8. xamir

    Rejected The high command made players under 16 years of age

    The high command made players under 16 years of age EMS rules are that no person below 16 years of age can join But the high command made him He abuses high command He is 13 years old Where there is no rule to take org below 16 years, the high command has made him at 13 years old
  9. xamir

    Rejected General Rule 6.13 | Got Double Punishment

    joey testing punished me for General Rule 6.13 first he gave me warning and then demorganed me. But The Rules says Demorgan 120 min or WARN
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