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  1. Oliver Whitlockk

    Approved GR 3.2 | 0000

    Was chatting with this guy 4466466 his phone no , related to sell my pineapple fruits and he includes my family...
  2. Oliver Whitlockk

    Approved GR 3.2 | 0000

    Was chatting with this guy 3216151 his phone no , related to sell my house and he includes my family... All in POV at 00:20 Sec
  3. Oliver Whitlockk

    Approved GR 3.2 | 0000

    Was chatting with this guy 6662222 his phone no , related to buy something , he included my family in phone chat. All in POV
  4. Oliver Whitlockk

    Reviewed Gen Rule 1.3 | 52227

    Respected Admins, There is guy Named Finn Dior | ID 52227 i have been watching this guy from 2 days , he is putiing an add selling gc and scamming people in the server. So today again he was doing the same thing like selling 60GC for 2.1m by putting add, then i have given him a offer for 1.5m...
  5. Oliver Whitlockk

    Reviewed Wrong Punishment | Lucas Clover

    Requested Bobby, As you can see from the POV, the guy who complained about me already gave the command, so I don't think that if someone is shooting me, then at that point in time, I don't need to give a command to shoot. This guy, Dev_Rich He reported incorrectly because he doesn't know the...
  6. Oliver Whitlockk

    Rejected Blacklisted | Bobby Pluxury

    Hello Bobby Pluxury, You told me to wait until my house was wiped and I was unbanned, so I lost my Paleto Bay house and my stuffs in it fair enough, but I also lost my bunker with a bulk ammos and guns. So it's unfair to me because I don't think getting blacklisted for lying to admins is a...
  7. Oliver Whitlockk

    Reviewed Blacklisted | Bobby Pluxury

    Respected Bobby, As you are aware, my account has been blacklisted for over a week; you stated that it would take 24 hours to several days, but it has now been more than a week. Sorry, but I'm worried about my business, bunker, and houses, because I don't want to lose my properties. I'm writing...
  8. Oliver Whitlockk

    Reviewed Blacklisted | Bobby Pluxury

    Respected Bobby, Firstly Thank you so much for considering my complain and approving it, and giving a chance means alot. Its been 4 days now waiting for the server to dig in and play in a respected manner, and create some content for my social media platform. Sorry to bother you here because...
  9. Oliver Whitlockk

    Approved Unban Appeal | Bobby Pluxury

    Respected Admins, I was in jail when i got delivered multiple lui vi pants in my inventory, then i was doing battlepass task opening 5 desert scarf mask containers at that moment, then i saw the pants so i got confused , at that point of time only, i called an admin to ask and then 1 admin came...
  10. Oliver Whitlockk

    Rejected unban appeal

    i have grinded so far and have so many things please talk to me i make videos for it on youtube , please consider because i do make videos on grand rp only.
  11. Oliver Whitlockk

    Rejected Gen Rule 3.2, 6.13 | ID 6285

    This guy abused me on my parent , insulted me and also did mercy killing in POV Timing 1:09. Hope he gets the Punishment. Thank You
  12. Oliver Whitlockk

    Rejected General Rule 6.15 | Insult ID 23511, 16440, 22753 | RDM ID 21677

    not following rp situation outside ghetto , started shooting and after killing started insulting id 23511, 16440, 22753 and id 21677 doing RDM from the same gang, these things in the POV.
  13. Oliver Whitlockk

    Rejected unjail and unwarn appeal threads 286316

    i gave the rp situation call coz i was out side the ghetto , u can see in the pov i waited for 5 sec and i shooted please it affects on my id , im a creator doing all things properly please consider me to unjail and unwarn.
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