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Search results

  1. Tony Mahendar

    Rejected Gl 6.15 | 1154

    1154 is shooting without any demand in city damged my vest !!
  2. Tony Mahendar

    Approved GEN 1.3 | 58704

    he took 1 mil from me for 40 grand coins and he did the code a ( scam )
  3. Tony Mahendar

    Approved MASS CR | 54251 , 1154 , 44197

    we are doing patroling in city and 3 guys with 3 car doing CR intensnally !!
  4. Tony Mahendar

    Rejected Shooting in GZ

    iam chilling with my friend in parking at that time someone came strarted shooting on us he is killed us in unscripted gz
  5. Tony Mahendar

    Reviewed Pov request | 23888

  6. Tony Mahendar

    Reviewed POV Req | 0000

    aspect no need to fight buddy i saw so many people like this this guy need to learn shooting. try to do hard work in ic buddy dont come and cry here kid
  7. Tony Mahendar

    Reviewed POV Req | 0000

    haha really i think you have to know difference between hit box and d-sink buddy LOL
  8. Tony Mahendar

    Reviewed POV Req | 0000

  9. Tony Mahendar

    Approved CL | 1296

    all in POV
  10. Tony Mahendar

    Approved Shooting In HQ | 35912,35911

    iam chilling in my HQ and suddenly out of some ware 2 guys came and killed me in HQ
  11. Tony Mahendar

    Approved VDM | 35911,35912

    coming into hq without any proper reason and permission and doing vdm in HQ
  12. Tony Mahendar

    Rejected Shooting In HQ | 35912,35911

    iam just chilling in HQ and suddenly out of some ware 2 guys came and killed me in HQ !!
  13. Tony Mahendar

    Reviewed POV Request | 3427

    i want to see where he hide !! if he killed by someone i didint even see his name in kill field
  14. Tony Mahendar

    Approved Fear RP | 2350

    as you can see in pov we are pointing 3 guns at him and he is taking his car and running away without any fear !!
  15. Tony Mahendar

    Approved ER 1.18 | 27288

    all in POV
  16. Tony Mahendar

    Rejected Close

  17. Tony Mahendar

    Approved Fear RP | 34613

    as you can see in pov we are pointing guns at him and he is running without any fear !!
  18. Tony Mahendar

    Rejected POV Request | 3294

    i want to see how i died
  19. Tony Mahendar

    Approved Shooting in HQ | ID : 20436

    as you can see in pov iam just chillling with friends in HQ. suddenly out of noware he just killed me without any proper reason.
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