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  1. king alexander

    Rejected Warn for Fail rp | Mama Nazeer

    I made a forum on (id- 181206) for rdm (random death match) he got punished but why did i get fail rp i was just going back i didn't even know that he was gonna kill me when i realized he killed me i turned my mic off i am playing grand rp for almost 4 years now i never got fail rp for this kind...
  2. king alexander

    Approved RDM | 181206

    i was going back to the debt collecting job this guy came and killed me without giving me any demands and it was public road not even his personal/family house please help.
  3. king alexander

    Rejected Pov request + ER 1.3 | 58540, 183428, 189299

    We entered the weapon foundary at 14:20 they already entered the foundary before the event even started the id's mentioned above are only the people i could see in front of me and the kill list but there were more people who entered before the event started and the person who killed me i...
  4. king alexander

    Approved RDM | 170415, 163696, 138806, 57745

    we also gave you demands to leave the area but you came back so my friend (id- 170415) started shooting at you and killed you.
  5. king alexander

    Approved RDM | 170415, 163696, 138806, 57745

    First of all the person who killed you was (id- 170415) so he did rdm and why did you reported other people for rdm they didn't killed you.
  6. king alexander

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    Is anyone gonna get punished or what? It’s been 4 days now since he opened the forum.
  7. king alexander

    Approved rdm | 175828

    I don't know why you asked me to extend my pov the video i provided was clear he killed me in middle of the road not in his personal property or there was no such rp going on in between the situation but still here is the video that you asked to provide. video:
  8. king alexander

    Approved rdm | 175828

    I was going to my house suddenly this guy (id- 175828) came and killed me without any demands please help.
  9. king alexander

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    oh yea he forgot to wear our fam dress
  10. king alexander

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    where is team up the guy in front of me is my fam member are you dumb go fix your eyes and see it.
  11. king alexander

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    here is the pov now just punish me its been 2 days since he pov requested me i am also tired.
  12. king alexander

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    i came from the bridge and jump to the roof
  13. king alexander

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    you did pov request so i showed my pov now go and learn how to climb to that roof
  14. king alexander

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    Here is the pov:
  15. king alexander

    Approved rdm | 186308

    here is the extended pov:
  16. king alexander

    Approved rdm | 186308

    But why?
  17. king alexander

    Approved rdm | 186308

    I was standing there and waiting for someone (id- 186308) came and killed me without any demands i was outside of their house property but still he killed please help.
  18. king alexander

    Reviewed Wrong decision | Satish Royal

    Hello so i opened a forum against (id- 167937) for rdm because he killed me without any demands when i was doing caravanning he didn't even told me to pull over or anything he just came out of his car and killed me without ant demands so i opened a forum against him for rdm when i asked the...
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