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Search results

  1. Cristian Fujiwara

    Rejected Richiest Unban | ID 9434

    Salve, Vi scrivo questa richiesta dopo 1 anno di blacklist, vorrei solamente avere un concetto chiaro, Perché nonostante il vostro server faccia 8 player di pomeriggio (un momento in cui il server dovrebbe avere un picco maggiore) rifiutate la maggior parte delle richiesta unban, chi bannato per...
  2. Cristian Fujiwara

    Rejected Ban For Mass Rule Brake in turf | Ace Galante

    Hello Dear Bobby, I got banned for mass rule brake, I did this just beacouse the leader was disbanding, I just attacked 2 turfs and when I win in game I just left the circle and I didn’t win the turf I just killed them and left the circle, and the 2nd turf I didn’t enter, I’m sorry for what I...
  3. Cristian Fujiwara

    Approved richiesta pov 14561

    Gli ho detto che tu stavi chettando, dato che ogni 2 secondi cambiavi versione, prima hai ammesso di aver preso skript, e poi dopo hai detto che non chetti, e poi la sera mi mandi uno screen dove mi dici che ti sei cleanato e hai resettato il pc: (Prove del cleaning)
  4. Cristian Fujiwara

    Approved richiesta pov 14561

    Hahahahahhahah poi mi chiedi di turfare, dicendo non chetto, bah cringe xD
  5. Cristian Fujiwara

    Approved richiesta pov 14561

    BAH :D
  6. Cristian Fujiwara

    Reviewed False Ban Anticheat #934

    Dear Jonathan, I did already unban request, and you approve it: UNBAN , I opened game today and yesterday and I'm not unban yet, if you can fix it it will be good, thx.
  7. Cristian Fujiwara

    Approved False Ban Anticheat #934

    Dear Jonathan, I Got banned for anticheat code 934, I’m asking unban cuz I was walking at city hospital and my pc was lagging so I went under the map and then I got banned. Idk really what I did
  8. Cristian Fujiwara

    Rejected Unban Appeal | ID 9434

    Dear Lebron, I would request the unban of my main account on that server, I'm blacklisted from 11 months, and I wanted to ask u the unban of my account, I'm sorry for the thing that I did, I promise that I will never be toxic, or things like that, just try me, I never had a chance to get unban...
  9. Cristian Fujiwara

    Reviewed Pov Reqest | 0000

    Requesting close
  10. Cristian Fujiwara

    Reviewed Pov Reqest | 0000

    Hi, I want to see how I died, cause I got something like fast revo
  11. Cristian Fujiwara

    Rejected Richiest Unban | ID 9434

    Salve, Sono Blacklistato da quasi un anno, So di essere Blacklistato senza possibilità di appello, vorrei avere una possibilità di essere sbannato, dato che dal ban del Refusing Pc-Check di 60gg, non ho mai avuto una possibilità di interagire con il server con il mio account, non sapevo che il...
  12. Cristian Fujiwara

    Reviewed Pov Request | 58703

    I want to see how he took behind the prop
  13. Cristian Fujiwara

    Approved Bug Abuse | 49830

    as u can see in the last kill of feed I killed him, and he entered in the informal again, and he killed me
  14. Cristian Fujiwara

    Rejected Bug Abuse | 49830

    as u can see in the last kill of feed I killed him, and he entered in the informal again, and he killed me
  15. Cristian Fujiwara

    Rejected Warn for CL | Zoro DHellking

    Dear Bobby, I got warn for CL, The punishment it's correct, but I'm asking you Dear Bobby if u can remove my warn beacouse I want to play with my friend beacouse season turf reset, and I will not play the next week beacouse I will go vacation.
  16. Cristian Fujiwara

    Rejected Ghetto Rule 1.4 | 87964

    Hi, he killed me in hq without a reason, without any warning, and it was my hq
  17. Cristian Fujiwara

    Rejected Pov Req I 0000

  18. Cristian Fujiwara

    Rejected Pov Req I 0000

    Bro u playing without headphones:ROFLMAO:
  19. Cristian Fujiwara

    Rejected Discord Unban | Elonsik swayze

    ID utente: 1006244309638578247
  20. Cristian Fujiwara

    Rejected Discord Unban | Elonsik swayze

    Salve chiedo l'unban dell'account di discord, dato che sono stato bannato dal discord sui cui non ho fatto niente, in caso tu rifiutassi per cortesia dammi una motivazione non con un semplice Rifiutato
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