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  1. Kerem Black

    Reviewed POV REQ | 35386

  2. Kerem Black

    Rejected Ban For ER 1.7 | Xohan Black

    Dear Lebron I couldnt find my pov for this event , I thought i have but i dont . I must have forgotten to take it, or it wasn't recorded due to an error in the Nvidia recording program. Either way, this mistake is mine. This is my first ban , i banned one more time and it was misunderstanding...
  3. Kerem Black

    Rejected Ban For ER 1.7 | Xohan Black

    Dear Bobby, Floki, Adham, Yesterday, I was banned due to Rule ER 1.7, and it was a family member who opened this forum for me. Because it was purge time, everyone knew that the prison event would start and end quickly, but my family member knew I wouldn't be home for a while. Because I wasn't...
  4. Kerem Black

    Reviewed POV Request | 27315 80166

    unfortunately, since Im not at home, I cant show you my pov, i will be back to my house tomorrow, there's nothing I can do
  5. Kerem Black

    Rejected FIB Corrupt Bio | Kerem Black | 27315

    Name: Kerem Black Gender: Male Age: 19 Nationality: Turkish Place of Birth: Vinewood Hills Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Blue Hair color: Black Tattoos: one right arm, one left arm , one right leg , one left leg. Strengths: Good Shooter , I communicate well with people Weakness: Money, Guns ...
  6. Kerem Black

    Rejected Ban for gen 3.1 / 3.2 | Taha Grano

    hello, im owner of id 27315 i was involded to in this situation to we all freinds and having fun Feras just insult me as fun that all i dont know why taha grano ban him even i didnt report him or anything please give him a chance.
  7. Kerem Black

    Reviewed Pov request: 27315

    its already approved by bobby that place is accessable, i only have to provide POV for event, not before the event or after the event :) my forum approved by bobby = Approved - Ban For Bug Abuse | Pietro Nardelli
  8. Kerem Black

    Reviewed Pov request: 27315

    Its very clear that you dont know about this topic. I already got banned because of this incident, and I proved to Bobby that I reached the roof legally, and he lifted my ban. Dont speak so confidently about things you dont know. Thanks, kisses :)
  9. Kerem Black

    Reviewed Pov request: 27315

    that place is accessable by foot but i dont have to take pov before the event start, i started in zone events pov = Watch Fanboys | Streamable
  10. Kerem Black

    Approved Ban For Bug Abuse | Pietro Nardelli

    Dear Bobby, Floki, and Adham, I have seen that everyone who started here has received a Demorgan penalty so far; I have never seen anyone get banned for this. The same thing happened to my friend; the penalty He received was demorgan for ER 1.3 , and the place where he got the penalty was the...
  11. Kerem Black

    Rejected Jail For CR | Rui Ace

    As an unofficial family leader, I am aware that even the smallest punishment I receive will bring a family warning to my family, and I take care not to violate any rules. I just got punished by Rui even though I didn't do CR at all. I was only following the person I was looking for for the...
  12. Kerem Black

    Reviewed pov req | 27315

    POV : Watch povreq | Streamable
  13. Kerem Black

    Rejected Nora | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name : Nora Family Owner : Kerem Black | 27315 Family House Number : 1036 Family Owners Discord : keremk7 Leader Forum Name : Kerem Black π…π€πŒπˆπ‹π˜ π’π“πŽπ‘π˜ Former friends Kerem, Cengo, Sota, Furkan, Muti, and Salih reunited in the underground world of Los Santos after many years. In their...
  14. Kerem Black

    Rejected POV Request | 0000

    I asked for your point of view not because you play well but because your stroke is interesting :D
  15. Kerem Black

    Rejected POV Request | 0000

    I want to see his pov
  16. Kerem Black

    Rejected Milange | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name : Milange Family Owner : Kerem Black | 27315 Family House Number : 757 Family Owners Discord : keremk7 Leader Forum Name : Kerem Black π…π€πŒπˆπ‹π˜ π’π“πŽπ‘π˜ Former friends Kerem, Cengo, Sota, Furkan, Muti, and Salih reunited in the underground world of Los Santos after many years. In...
  17. Kerem Black

    Rejected Mass Rulebreak | Ekip Family

    please lock for unofficial curators
  18. Kerem Black

    Rejected Warn for GH 1.4 | Velix Verlice

    The reason I was there is I tried to steal panel but after when I got leave demand I left. 20-30 seconds later I tried my chance to steal again but I never shoot him even once. Please reconsider this situation.
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