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Search results

  1. Julian Jewish

    Rejected Racism | 386648

    "Your jewish fuck off" Says everything
  2. Julian Jewish

    Rejected Leader of FIB | John Smalman

    I will stay DOJ.
  3. Julian Jewish

    Rejected deputy governor | goverment

    wc for you
  4. Julian Jewish

    Approved GR 3.2 | 302375

    Seen in POV
  5. Julian Jewish

    Rejected Ban for GR 3.2 | Peren Hill

    Forgot to mention this is an unban appeal.
  6. Julian Jewish

    Rejected Ban for GR 3.2 | Peren Hill

    I was banned for Mentioning Relatives, I find the confusing as the purpose of that command and that saying wasn't to mention someone's relatives, it was just quoting exactly what they asked for (Yes it Might be FailRP). The most confusing part is that ID 302375 didn't get any punishment but I...
  7. Julian Jewish

    Approved Earrape | 124134

    all in pov
  8. Julian Jewish

    Approved RDM , FAIL-RP , PROVOKING | ID : 62425

    I gave you 5 secs, I might’ve needed a coughdrop
  9. Julian Jewish

    Rejected RDM ID:62425

    The video didn't upload + I gave you demands that you didn't comply, so I have a sufficient RP Reason to kill you :)
  10. Julian Jewish

    Rejected Leader of Families I Mohamed Titan

    Dont like him but fit for leader, good luck mate.
  11. Julian Jewish

    Approved PG + Mixing | 334906

    334906 said Roeplay, RP, and admin (Mixing) 334906 Cuffed me with a taser out which isnt physically possible (PG) All seen in POV.
  12. Julian Jewish

    Rejected PG | 17751

    He cant physically cuff me while im doing this emote.... Rest in POV.
  13. Julian Jewish

    Approved PG | 335867

    Everything is in the link below
  14. Julian Jewish

    Approved RDM | 285402

    Everything is in POV
  15. Julian Jewish

    Rejected Application for admin | Juiian Caiipso

    Julian 17 GMT + 3 / Israel 18.00 PM - 00.00 AM Average online per week: djudjy Juiian Caiipso Your ID: 62425 Your In-Game Level: 25 State 1: English, French, Dutch, Hebrew (I understand German, Arabic & Spanish If spoken Slowly) Additional information 1.Why do you want to become an admin and...
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