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  1. L

    Approved Sexual harassment 106206

    misunderstood. I will not do it again
  2. L

    Approved Sexual harassment 106206

    I was joking with my friend. he was cursing me too
  3. L

    Approved Sexual harassment 106206

    do you have proof Poyraz ?
  4. L

    Approved Sexual harassment 106206

    I was talking to my friend, I had a friend with him and he was turning the wheel, something bad had come from him, so I said . i was joking with my friend
  5. L

    Approved Sexual harassment 106206

    I wasn't interested in you?
  6. L

    Approved GR 6.15 , CL | 281605

    You killed my friend because we told you to walk and you're running so I shot you
  7. L

    Approved RDM/281605

    hayır çarpmadın o ölen kişi arkadşaımdı ve onu sen vurdun
  8. L

    Approved GR 1.3 32659

    no 32659 he directed me and asked for money and he should be banned because after all he is also guilty(eril)
  9. L

    Approved GR 1.3 32659

    you're lying, you took illegal money
  10. L

    Approved GR 1.3 32659

    MAİN ACCOUNT İD 32788 or 33788 ı dont know
  11. L

    Approved GR 1.3 32659

    32614 scammed me and sent the money to his main account, but his main account was also banned, but he gave his friend 32659 from his main account, please identify 32614's main account and check money transfers and ban 32659
  12. L

    Reviewed GR 1.3 32659

    bro pls ban 32659 32614 transfer to money bank transfer 32659 : pls ban 32659
  13. L

    Reviewed GR 1.3 32659

    The person who stole the money from me was banned, but before he was banned, he gave the money to his friend 32659 and I ask him to be banned too
  14. L

    Reviewed GR 1.3 32659

    The person who stole the money from me was banned, but before he was banned, he gave the money to his friend 32659 and I ask him to be banned too
  15. L

    Rejected GR 1.3

    yes, the person who stole grand coin was banned, but his friend next to him was not banned from 32659 and he threw his money at 32659a, I ask him to get banned on 32659
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