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  1. GhostTrigger

    Reviewed GR 3.2 | 82974

    Everything is in POV.
  2. GhostTrigger

    Approved UB Driving | 62448

    Sorry, my bad! Thread updated.
  3. GhostTrigger

    Approved UB Driving | 62448

    As seen in the provided POV I was heading to the next leftover components area when the suspect came after me ramming into me and flying over a hill with a supercar.
  4. GhostTrigger

    Approved ER 1.18 | The Horde

    There's no need to be so rude. We just admitted our fault and We are waiting for the punishment for it.
  5. GhostTrigger

    Approved VDM | 63678

    I don't think that there's need for any description, everything is clearly visible in POV.
  6. GhostTrigger

    Approved GR 6.8 | 45509

    We just hung out at our HQ when the suspect came by and did the following what is visible in POV.
  7. GhostTrigger

    Reviewed Mass rule break | The Horde

    I guess it's too late, mate.
  8. GhostTrigger

    Approved CR/VDM | 78056,39605,37592,62558

    It's hard to warn a family that isn't unofficial. 🤭
  9. GhostTrigger

    Rejected GZ 1.3 | 112878

    Ah yes, you can definitely shoot him inside GZ, don't act like you can't harm him there. Just because the GZ extends to the street and the victim has passed that extension of the GZ doesn't mean that He abused that. By the way, You are the ones who always flee to the SAHP's GZ. Keep calling...
  10. GhostTrigger

    Approved CR/VDM | 78056,39605,37592,62558

    Good luck with that ❤
  11. GhostTrigger

    Rejected VDM | 79356

    We were waiting for bizwar in a group when the suspect came here and drove over us. Clearly visible that it wasn't unintentional.
  12. GhostTrigger

    Approved CR/VDM | 78056,39605,37592,62558

    Yes, It's quite normal on leftover components event. Don't play yourself, please.
  13. GhostTrigger

    Approved CR/VDM | 78056,39605,37592,62558

    Ah yes, of course. You just passed by peacefully, and didn't return at all, back and forwards, again and again. 🤡
  14. GhostTrigger

    Reviewed VDM, Possible Cheats | 107559

    You guys hit him with the other car, causing the victim to sweep your member away. What did you expect—an apology after that? Of course he ran over you after he got pushed.
  15. GhostTrigger

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.13 | 43351

    Let the admin judge :)
  16. GhostTrigger

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.13 | 43351

    Wow what do you mean, writing formal emails while shooting?
  17. GhostTrigger

    Approved Gen Rule 6.15 | ID 58644

    Really? In your POV you just ran about 10 meters and just stood here. If you were running for your life you could have been long gone when we came for you too.
  18. GhostTrigger

    Approved Gen Rule 6.15 | ID 58644

    Full proof:
  19. GhostTrigger

    Approved Gen Rule 6.15 | ID 58644

    Hello! I am the suspect mentioned in the report. Let me show my POV below. As you can clearly hear my family member started counting giving demands to your debt team. Your team member started shooting at us while we stated our demands to your team to leave. Of course we killed your whole...
  20. GhostTrigger

    Approved VDM | 34758

    I ran from the hospital towards a parking lot when he drove by. When he saw me, he turned around to run over me..
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