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Search results

  1. I

    Approved FAIL RP | 50904

    Everything in the POV, Thank you!!!
  2. I

    Rejected Gen 6.2 | John Specter

    I was in a hostage situation and I got a code A. It was an electricity cut-off, Here's the Body cam, thank you!!!!
  3. I

    Approved Gen 6.15 | 44388

    I was giving out a fine, and stranger 44388 came to me and shot me out of nowhere.
  4. I

    Reviewed Ban for GR 6.3 | Floki Vilgeroarson

    I was recently permanently banned for GR 6.3 and I took some org weapons and I solemnly apologise for it, I also assure that mistake wont be done by my side in the future ever AGAIN! Please give me a last chance! Also I agree for a money wipe, please i wanna keep playing the game and will make...
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