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Search results

  1. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Approved Unban Appeal G.R 1.1 | Tyrell Johnson

    I didn't know the rules in the past and I admit that I broke the rules and made mistakes during that time. I promise that I won't make any mistakes like this after I learn the rules. Please unban me. I apologize to the whole management team. (i accept money wipe)
  2. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Rejected Unban Appeal G.R 1.1 | Tyrell Johnson

    I didn't know the rules in the past and I admit that I broke the rules and made mistakes during that time. I promise that I won't make any mistakes like this after I learn the rules. Please unban me. I apologize to the whole management team. (i accept money wipe)
  3. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Rejected Nirvana | Unofficial Organization

    Nirvana | Unofficial Org Family name - Nirvana Family owner - Toprak Nirvana #72281 Family house number - 1718 Family Discord Owner - azex_ Family Leader forum - Toprak Nirvana | 72281 Family story Nirvana family known as a Nirvana has had many triumphs and tribulations in the past. The higher...
  4. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Rejected CLOSED

    wrong section
  5. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Rejected Nirvana | Unofficial Organization

    Nirvana | Unofficial Org Family name - Nirvana Family owner - Toprak Nirvana #72281 Family house number - 1718 Family Discord Owner - azex_ Family Leader forum - Toprak Nirvana | 72281 Family story Nirvana family known as a Nirvana has had many triumphs and tribulations in the past. The higher...
  6. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Rejected Warn for Fear rp | Shay Wraith

    My internet went out and after it went off, the admin immediately sent a warning, but it shouldn't have, because my internet went out and he sent 2 warnings.
  7. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Reviewed Pov Req | 72281

  8. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Reviewed Cheats | 328465

    ????? You came to arrest my wife and you said pullover, so we had to shoot you, but this is a perfectly normal shot. And we are 72281 and 132331 id. We dont know who is 328465 id.
  9. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Rejected OOC Insult |131946

    I got already punishement for this
  10. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Rejected OOC Insult |131946

    Please listen the voice he swear in turkish.
  11. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Reviewed POV Request | 9331

    I want to see how can i die.
  12. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Rejected Bug Abuse | 126094

    All in pov.
  13. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    I want to see pov how i dead cover.
  14. Toprak Nirvana | 72281

    Reviewed Fail RP and VDM | 256645 298916

    This guy give me wrong demands and using VDM.
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