Pozdrav Ja sam Matej Youkai ID 26495. Dobio sam BlackList sa ovog projekta pre 2-3 meseca zbog vredjanje projekta i zbog tog se ja mnogo izvinavam i kaim se sta sam to uradio. Tad sam bio nervozan i nisam znao sta da uradim. Ja se jako izvinjavam zbog tog sto sam vredjao projekat al ja bi voleo...
I am Matej Youkai ID 26495.
I got BlackListed from this project 2-3 months ago due to project evaluation and cursing an andministration and for that I apologize a lot and I regret what I did. I was nervous then and didn't know what to do. I am very sorry for the fact that I ruined the...
I am Matej Youkai ID 26495.
I got BlackListed from this project 2-3 months ago due to project evaluation and cursing an andministration and for that I apologize a lot and I regret what I did. I was nervous then and didn't know what to do. I am very sorry for the fact that I ruined the...
I am Matej Youkai ID 26495.
I got BlackListed from this project 2-3 months ago due to project evaluation and cursing an andministration and for that I apologize a lot and I regret what I did. I was nervous then and didn't know what to do. I am very sorry for the fact that I ruined the...
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