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Search results

  1. A

    Approved Robbing in beach market I 1343

    i was just sitting in my place at the beach market and this guy tried to rob me if you look in the pov
  2. A

    Approved Random Punching I 64641

    he kept punching me for no reason in beach market this is the only pov i got but he did more
  3. A

    Approved Fail RP I 6107

    i was just chilling with my friends doing nothing and this guy came up and took money from me without asking.
  4. A

    Rejected GZ 1.1 + VDM | 750

    all in pov
  5. A

    Approved RMD | 38037

    sorry for the misspell its RDM
  6. A

    Approved RMD | 38037

    all in pov
  7. A

    Approved RDM | 52406

    all in pov
  8. A

    Rejected Ghetto rule 1.4 | Casey Jinx

    where is your voice?
  9. A

    Approved RDM | 49278

    he killed me in gas station for no reason i dont know him.
  10. A

    Rejected Question | Boddy Pluxury

    thanks, man, for the help!
  11. A

    Reviewed Ban for Gen rule 1.1 | Sylvia Som

    I didn't do my other forums in the correct order before I apologize for that, I'm making this forum here to apologize for my mistake, and I hope you guys will forgive me and give me another chance I will not fail you I promise I accept any punishment just pls let me play on this lovely server...
  12. A

    Rejected Question | Boddy Pluxury

    can i know what's wrong with my forum so i can fix it pls i really dont know?? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1133816916608307241/1139557422424395777/IMG_3193.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1133816916608307241/1139557422751568043/IMG_3194.png
  13. A

    Rejected Gen 1.1 | Sylvia Som

    Hello sir, bobby and Magnes I'm making this forum to apologize for my mistake and ask you to give me another chance and I will not fail you I promise I accept any type of punishment just let me play in this lovely server again and thank you for your time. I apologies sir bobby that I did my...
  14. A

    Rejected Gen 1.1 | Magnes Haste

    Hello sir magnes im making this forum to apologize for my mistake and ask you to give me another chance and i will not fail you I promise i accept any type of punishment just let me play in this lovely server again and thank you for your time.
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