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Search results

  1. nexsusyt

    Approved RDM | 92959

    Can't hit without command?
  2. nexsusyt

    Rejected RDM | 92959

    Can't hit without command?
  3. nexsusyt

    Rejected RDM | 45487

    Can't hit without command
  4. nexsusyt

    Rejected RDM | 56275

    Can't hit outside the redzone
  5. nexsusyt

    Reviewed RDM | 64106

    Can't hit without command
  6. nexsusyt

    Rejected EVENT TROLL 1.2 | RDM | 65190

    i was waiting the harbor event to start and i found my family members dead and they just start to kill shoot at me
  7. nexsusyt

    Approved RDM | 66095

  8. nexsusyt

    Approved RDM | 66095

    While chatting with my friends, they send me rdm, we don't do mg.
  9. nexsusyt

    Rejected RDM |46223

    She can't hit me for no reason?
  10. nexsusyt

    Approved RDM | 44743

    She can't hit me for no reason , says slang words
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