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Search results

  1. O

    Rejected Combat Log | ID : 184357

    u can see everything in pov
  2. O

    Approved Blasphemy and insult | 316500

    Please review the Turkish admin there is swearing.
  3. O

    Approved OOC Insult | 185378

    swearing on me when I m dead ı need turkish admin
  4. O

    Approved RDM | 219141| 197395

    u can see everything in pov 219141 pov 1 : 197395 pov 2:
  5. O

    Rejected Doxing | 0000

    I want to send the evidence to the admins I want turkish admin
  6. O

    Approved GR 6.3 | 106000

    Friends have taken a lot of items from inside our family vehicles, we would like to request the necessary action to be taken.
  7. O

    Rejected RDM I 194022

    I was riding in a helicopter and the guy just started shooting at me and killed me.
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