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Search results

  1. Muzcu kartal

    Approved Doxing | 14636

    Write to the reviewing Turkish admin and I will share the video and information.
  2. Muzcu kartal

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Hassan Error

    Even though pov is requested, his friend sends the one from before, not the pov of that moment, and the pov is not where the admin wants it, so he is not penalized because it is not a pov, only the perpetrator is punished for RP.
  3. Muzcu kartal

    Approved Fail RP | 25844

    And povde has nothing to do with the place I loaded it, it doesn't tell me to pay attention to your head when putting it in the car.
  4. Muzcu kartal

    Approved Fail RP | 25844

    What you did is illegal. My friend did not have a forum account and Perma was banned from the forum because she uploaded my POV.
  5. Muzcu kartal

    Approved Fail RP | 25844

    all in pov
  6. Muzcu kartal

    Rejected POV REQ | 0000

  7. Muzcu kartal

    Rejected POV REQ | 0000

  8. Muzcu kartal

    Rejected Fail RP | 24644

    02.14 He searches me without saying anything to me
  9. Muzcu kartal

    Rejected Fail RP | 24644

    02.14 He searches me without saying anything to me
  10. Muzcu kartal

    Rejected Fail RP | 24644

    All in pov
  11. Muzcu kartal

    Rejected Fail RP | 24644

    close the forum
  12. Muzcu kartal

    Rejected GR 6.14 | 71843

    They ask me for an engine block and when I throw it, they tell me not to throw it, the engine block I throw is taken by 71843. all in pov please
  13. Muzcu kartal

    Rejected Fail RP | 24644

    all in pov
  14. Muzcu kartal

    Approved MK | 0000

    all in pov
  15. Muzcu kartal

    Rejected Stalling+MG | 45379

    all in pov
  16. Muzcu kartal

    Reviewed Leader of the Los Santos Vagos | NicoBlueshirt Abi

    good rank banana leader
  17. Muzcu kartal

    Approved RDM - 0000

    nice bug abuse on bike :)
  18. Muzcu kartal

    Reviewed Pov Req I 0000

  19. Muzcu kartal

    Approved VDM | 83047

    all in pov
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