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Search results

  1. Baron Johnson

    Approved VDM | 1175

    As you can see, it is clear in the video that the first person broke a rule vdm The second person who carried out a search without my permission and without any reason, please take the maximum penalties against him
  2. Baron Johnson

    Reviewed Warn for RDM | Can Snow

    i get punishment for RDM but form he side i dont see any overlays at he pov idk why admin didnt punish him for GR 6.17 am looking for justice if i break a rule he also break a rule. https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/731517/#post-2592089
  3. Baron Johnson

    Rejected ban for | gen 6.2 6.9 | Edward_Pluxury

    hey i got ban for gen 6.2 and 6.9 for 15 days and i am rly sry and apologize about mu mistake if u can just do reduce punishment for 3 days or week i will never do that agine. thx for reading my application
  4. Baron Johnson

    Rejected ban for [ gen 6.2 and 6.9} Eswerd_Pluxury.

    hey i got ban for gen 6.2 and 6.9 for 15 days and i am rly sry and apologize about my mistake if u can just do reduce punishment for 3 days or week i will never do that gain. thx for reading my application.
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