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Search results

  1. D

    Rejected RDM | 40021

    all in pov i was wating in my family house no (273) and these funny guys came and killed me with no reason, my car already have insurance and there is no ready solar panel to take
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    Approved RDM | 98571

    all in pov he killed me once when looking for metal scrap but i wasnt have pov when i get back for metal scrap i found him again and he killed me again
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    Rejected RDM | 48298

    all in pov id 48298, 48197 and 48063 started shooted us and killed us without given demand
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    Rejected Rdm | Shery Ottoman

    1 min pov as this is your problem and you can tell us what happend after you killed us in green zone is anyone come and killed you or come and revive us
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    Approved rdm | 48385

    all in pov
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    Approved RDM | 50109

    all in pov
  7. D

    Rejected pov req - 26902

    player id 26902 killed me while working as a taxi driver after i deliverd him to red gang HQ ps : you can see the taxi meter and timer of taxi rental in photo
  8. D

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Fstog DeArcy

    hello admin sory to bother you , it have been a week since i got ban for genral rule 1.8 i made a forum before and i was told it take 24 hours up to few days for unban and last time i checked if found i got a Permanent ban to my main account id 3312 server en3 will i get a notfication when...
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    Reviewed Ban For GR 1.8 | Fstog DeArcy

    Hello i was banned for general rule 1.8, i was not know that is not allowed and i am so sorry for doing that , pls give me another chance and promise not doing it again
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    Rejected general rule 1.8

    can you please remove block from my account i transferd money to my brother account to help him in game but i didnt know that is not allowed and promise not doing it again and also i saw a youtuber say thats okay after he asked admin
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