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  1. Sam Seagal

    Rejected Mass Rule Break | FIB

    We were having 62591 in the gun point, going to rob him. Most probably they did code 0 and as soon as we patched him up, 2 FIB officers came and started shooting while we were having 62591 in gun point and did not fear for his life.
  2. Sam Seagal

    Approved PG + GZ 1.3 | 94510 & 99800

    All in POV
  3. Sam Seagal

    Rejected FIB Leader Rejected | Chanush Movva

    My leader application of FIB got rejected. Chanush said I was cheating but even though searching my dms, chromes he did not find a single proof of it. And to be honest I don't need to cheat. Cause till now I have less punishment for breaking rules cause I know them. Yes I don't know all the...
  4. Sam Seagal

    Rejected Leader Of FIB | Sam Seagal

    Information: 1. Your name IRL : Samiul Islam Riyad 2. Your age IRL : 19 years 3. Time zone : GMT +6:00 4. Average online per day : 6 hours 5. Your Discord : .pr1m3_ 6. Your Nickname : Sam Seagal 7. Your ID : 55249 Additional information: 1. Leader of Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB) 2. Why...
  5. Sam Seagal

    Rejected Leader of Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB) | Sam Seagal

    Information 1. Your name IRL : Samiul Islam Riyad 2. Your age IRL : 19 years 3. Time zone : GMT +6:00 4. Average online per day : 6 hours 5. Your Discord : .pr1m3_ 6. Your Nickname : Sam Seagal 7. Your ID : 55249 Additional Information 1. Leader of The Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB) 2...
  6. Sam Seagal

    Approved SR 5.5 | 49090

    All in POV
  7. Sam Seagal

    Approved RDM + GZ 1.1 | 86847 , 32856

    All in POV.
  8. Sam Seagal

    Rejected Fail RP + UB Driving | 45438

    He drove his car down directly instead of using road, even did not tell me he was going to take the road. He pulled me out of the vehicle without notifying me. He also put me in jumpsuit without picking the jumpsuit from the desk / locker.
  9. Sam Seagal

    Rejected Warn For GH 1.3 | Ethan Pluxury

    I got a warning for GH 1.3 . We were going to attend an OOC event (RP Ticket). I was not aware of that we can't enter from the side where there is a gang HQ. I would request to consider this thing as I don't know it before. Thanks.
  10. Sam Seagal

    Approved CR | 92461

    He ram me with vehicle and also ram the officer who was patching so that he can't patch.
  11. Sam Seagal

    Rejected POV Request | 62210

    I have got this guy (id62210) from FZ Raid. He is from families gang. I was transporting him to DOC and in the meantime this guys (id 86362) came and shot all LEOs down and took that guy to the gate and did MK to save his friend from cuff. I would like to see the POV of this guy (id 62210)
  12. Sam Seagal

    Approved GZ 1.1+ MG + FL in GZ | 86362

    This guy (id 86362) came inside DOC and killed me and other LEOs to save the guy (id 62210). Please watch the POV. Thank you.
  13. Sam Seagal

    Reviewed MK + GZ 1.1 | 51202

    So I was taking this player (id 9108) to DOC. If you see the POV after taking him out of the heli they started shooting aiming only the player id 9108 and finished him. I also doubt that 9108 was doing MG and to clarify it I hope to request for the bodycam also as you can see player (id 51202)...
  14. Sam Seagal

    Reviewed Gen 6.16 | SAHP

    NOT OFFTOPIC 3 people 2 cars are chasing and asking for pulling us over when we were three officers in the car. So basically we don't need to pullover and they were trying to pull us over in city. And I have doubt that the guy with us id 68358 doing MG. And also as 2 cars and 3 people it is UB...
  15. Sam Seagal

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Zoro DHellking

    I respectfully want to state that, in this forum they were 3 people and pulled us over and I hope that is a UB Demand. I would be grateful if it is checked again. Thank You.
  16. Sam Seagal

    Approved Multiple Rule Break | 17215, 35365, 58196, 1557

    So we had a 10-15 id 68358. We were going to DOC and suddenly these guys id 17215, id 35365 and id 58196 with 2 cars and 3 people gave us demand to pull over by blocking the road. I need to mention that there was a gap so I tried to go away through that gap as we were 3 officers, he reversed and...
  17. Sam Seagal

    Approved Multiple Rule Break | 78545

    I was in beach market, started to tow a vehicle. There is a little portion red zone where when I was there he shot me being outside of red zone without giving me demands. Then he started to follow me and you can see he ram my car multiple times and came in front of the tow truck also to stop it.
  18. Sam Seagal

    Reviewed Multiple Rule Brake | 66662

    This guy fast came into the situation and ram us 2nd time intentionally with the car at 7:40 then again in DOC he asked for POV (mixing) and also moved his hand even in cuff and in the last time when we were processing him in sawmill he did CL.
  19. Sam Seagal

    Approved CL | 21129 & 77868

    All in POV
  20. Sam Seagal

    Approved CL | 38859

    Is it a laptop or desktop? How it is running still id you have power cut? Did you have the pov of flying back to the same place after the connection restore?
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