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  1. Anubis Madness

    Rejected 30127 I Stealing from family

    I wish you have a good day the Lovely Team of Administrators! So this (ID: 30127 ) So this guy came with his friends to join our family then when I checked the Family logs. I can see that he stole stuff and when I ask him to come and speak with me he not answering All in the proof Above. I...
  2. Anubis Madness

    Rejected Stealing from family

    I wish you have a good day the Lovely Team of Administrators! So this (ID: 30127 ) So this guy came with his friends to join our family then when I checked the Family logs. I can see that he stole stuff and when I ask him to come and speak with me he not answering All in the proof Above...
  3. Anubis Madness

    Rejected 75508 / 72296 / 87933 | RDM

    Wish u have a good day the Lovely Team of Administrators! So those randoms (ID:75508 / 72296 / 87933) I was driving to my family house when I got shot, I went to ask why you shot me as you see in the proof, but they didn't answer. I asked multiple times but didn't get an answer from them. then...
  4. Anubis Madness

    Rejected UB-Demands

    Wish u have a good day the Lovely Team of Administrators! So those randoms (ID:75508 / 72296 / 87933) I was driving to my family house when I got shot, I went to ask why you shot me as you see in the proof, but they didn't answer. I asked multiple times but didn't get an answer from then. then...
  5. Anubis Madness

    Approved Toxicity, Provoking, Targeting | Madness clan

    Wish u have a good day the Lovely Team of Administrators! So those randoms (ID: 87988 and 88731) Kept targeting my family and did kill us before the raid for like multiple times and still targeting us after the raid, Been 2 hours and they still hunting my family members until now. All in the...
  6. Anubis Madness

    Rejected RDM

    RDM you see everything on the video
  7. Anubis Madness

    Rejected my account got hacked

    right now I'm playing on a Twink account bc the original got hacked and I have proof of it someone on Discord sent me Redox. Still, it wasn't so the guy got my account. He started stealing my stuff and the family's stuff and all the shit I had so one of my brothers took a video, in the video you...
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