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Search results

  1. Samet Asos

    Approved 299285 - RDM

    this is the last 10 minutes for the panel defence area to win the panel, if someone is seen near the panel behind the panel, it can be fired without the need to give demand and all the admins know this. its my pov
  2. Samet Asos

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    i think its a so clearly
  3. Samet Asos

    Approved Heli VDM, E.R 1.2 | 302129

    all in pov
  4. Samet Asos

    Approved Gen 6.23, Gen 1.3 | 35956

    your misspelling does not require you to abuse the bug
  5. Samet Asos

    Rejected UB Demand, RDM | 180174 233113

    all in pov
  6. Samet Asos

    Approved Starting In Zone | 0000

    In the prison event, my screen recording was open before entering the area and I crashed 2 minutes after entering the area, then I deleted my screen recording, but in this friend's screen recording, you can see that I did not start in the area and I entered the area running. My ID is 299285
  7. Samet Asos

    Reviewed POV Request | 0000

    i want to see how i dead
  8. Samet Asos

    Approved FL in GZ+Earrape | 358089

    all in proofs
  9. Samet Asos

    Approved FL İN RP I 299285

    hmm wheres the rp?
  10. Samet Asos

    Reviewed POV Request | 359518

    what is that this quality
  11. Samet Asos

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    I want to see how I die
  12. Samet Asos

    Approved Unban Appeal For G.R 1.4+1.8 | Jonny Odds

    when I first opened this account, I can say that I never played the game, I didn't know these rules, I could swear that I didn't do it after I learned it, I will see the result of this when Mr. mazhor or alex responds, I love to play this server and spend time with my friends good day jonny
  13. Samet Asos

    Approved Unban Appeal For G.R 1.4+1.8 | Jonny Odds

    Hello Mr. Mazhor, I hope you are well. On 21.04.2024 I was banned from EN1 server for violating G.R 1.4+1.8 rules, I didn't know the rules when I first started EN1 server, I did this rule violation then, I regret that I did it, I promise it won't happen again. I am ready to reset my money...
  14. Samet Asos

    Approved GHR 1.4 | 153540

    all in pov
  15. Samet Asos

    Rejected Un warning | Tyrell Johnson

    I was penalized for FL in RP even though we were not in any rp
  16. Samet Asos

    Rejected FL | 0000

    he is doing fl in phone pls punished him
  17. Samet Asos

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    I want to see how I die
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