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Search results

  1. Stephen Trinity

    Rejected Leader of Bloods | Milian Hardy

    will be a good leader and have good skills to be... Best of Luck Bozoooo.👍
  2. Stephen Trinity

    Approved CL | 316095

    ALL in POV !
  3. Stephen Trinity

    Rejected LSPD corrupt bio | Stephen Trinity | 30710

    Organization: LSPD ID: 30710 Name: Stephen Trinity Gender: Male Age: 30 Nationality: INDIA Place of Birth: Kerala Sexuality: Straight Eye color: black Hair color: Green with yellow shade Tattoos: right and left shoulder , Neck Strengths: Professional Driving Skills, Excellent Aim/ Shooting...
  4. Stephen Trinity

    Approved FAIL RP GR 1.8 | 256717, 80965 , 241345

    these guys were telling me to handsup in the city for placing me in bag and later on they left me alone without removing the bag on me
  5. Stephen Trinity

    Approved Leader of SAHP | Massimo Smiley

    Known him since LSPD and he is a well deserved one to be a SAHP chief 😘😘
  6. Stephen Trinity

    Approved CL in city ID 194025

    combat logged during a active situation
  7. Stephen Trinity

    Approved CL during active situation| ID:139478

    Check my POV I typed in it to show ID but u didn't responded
  8. Stephen Trinity

    Approved CL during active situation| ID:139478

    U were an Ex FIB right so u could have know that their is an Penal Code for Prohibition of Ilegal Masks like medical mask and balclava .
  9. Stephen Trinity

    Approved CL during active situation| ID:139478

    we got a call from 911 that someone is wearing medical mask when we arrived the location the guy claimed that he was an NG combat Medic but when i asked him to show his ID proof he Just combat logged the game
  10. Stephen Trinity

    Approved Application for the leader of the Families Gang .

    I know him for so long I think he deserves to be as leader
  11. Stephen Trinity

    Approved CL in City | ID:76535, 76539,89439

    Combat logged during 10-10s at base
  12. Stephen Trinity

    Approved Leader of LSPD I Anvyy Antony

    best and friendly officer ik since i joined LSPD i think this guy deserves as LSPD cheif
  13. Stephen Trinity

    Rejected Leader of Los Santos Police Department | Finley Hawk

    i know him since when i join LSPD and he works very hard i think he deserves as LSPD CHEIF
  14. Stephen Trinity

    Approved Combat logging in CITY ID: 52153

    this guy just combat logged in middle of ATM robbery when he was shot dead
  15. Stephen Trinity

    Rejected Application for leader of lspd

    U will be a good leader liam
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